What are W3C Color Names?
W3C Color Names refer to a standardized set of color names defined by the World Wide Web Consortium, a global community that develops and maintains web standards. These color names provide a consistent and reliable way to represent colors in digital environments, ensuring compatibility across various platforms and browsers.
The W3C Color Names specification includes a total of 147 predefined color names, each assigned to a specific color value. These names are intuitive and descriptive, making them easy to understand and remember. Some examples of W3C Color Names include “red,” “blue,” “green,” “yellow,” “magenta,” “aqua,” and “purple.”
How to use W3C color names?
Table of Contents
W3C Color Names are primarily represented using their corresponding hexadecimal color codes. These codes consist of a hash symbol (#) followed by a combination of six alphanumeric characters, representing the amount of red, green, and blue (RGB) in a particular color. For example, the W3C Color Name “red” corresponds to the hexadecimal code #FF0000, indicating the maximum intensity of red with no green and blue.
List of W3C color names
Below, you will find an exhaustive compilation of W3C color names. Download W3C Color Name PDF now.
Color Name | Color Code | Color Name | Color Code |
AliceBlue | F0F8FF | AntiqueWhite | FAEBD7 |
Aqua | 00FFFF | Aquamarine | 7FFFD4 |
Azure | F0FFFF | Beige | F5F5DC |
Bisque | FFE4C4 | Black | 000000 |
BlanchedAlmond | FFEBCD | Blue | 0000FF |
Blueviolet | 8A2BE2 | Brown | A52A2A |
BurlyWood | DEB887 | CadetBlue | 5F9EA0 |
Chartreuse | 7FFF00 | Chocolate | D2691E |
Coral | FF7F50 | CornflowerBlue | 6495ED |
Cornsilk |
Crimson |
DC143C |
Cyan |
00FFFF |
DarkBlue |
00008B |
DarkCyan |
008B8B |
DarkGlodenRod |
B8860B |
DarkGrey |
A9A9A9 |
DarkGray |
A9A9A9 |
DarkGreen |
006400 |
DarkKhaki |
BDB76B |
DarkMagenta |
8B008B |
DarkOliveGreen |
556B2F |
DarkOrange |
FF8C00 |
DarkOrchid |
9932CC |
DarkRed |
8B0000 |
DarkSalmon |
E9967A |
DarkSeaGreen |
8FBC8F |
DarkSlateBlue |
483D8B |
DarkSlateGrey |
2F4F4F |
DarkSlateGray |
2F4F4F |
DarkTurquoise |
00CED1 |
DarkViolet |
9400D3 |
DeepPink |
FF1493 |
DeepSkyBlue |
00BFFF |
DimGray |
696969 |
DodgerBlue |
1E90FF |
FireBrick |
B22222 |
FloralWhite |
ForestGreen |
228B22 |
Fuchsia |
FF00FF |
Gainsboro |
GhostWhite |
F8F8FF |
Gold |
FFD700 |
GoldenRod |
DAA520 |
Gray |
808080 |
Grey |
808080 |
Green |
008000 |
GreenYellow |
HoneyDew |
F0FFF0 |
HotPink |
FF69B4 |
IndianRed |
CD5C5C |
Indigo |
4B0082 |
Ivory |
Khaki |
F0E68C |
Lavender |
E6E6FA |
LavenderBlush |
FFF0F5 |
LawnGreen |
7CFC00 |
LemonChiffon |
LightBlue |
ADD8E6 |
LightCoral |
F08080 |
LightCyan |
LightGoldenRodYellow |
LightGray |
D3D3D3 |
LightGrey | D3D3D3 |
LightGreen |
90EE90 |
LightPink |
FFB6C1 |
LightSalmon |
FFA07A |
LightSeaGreen |
20B2AA |
LightSkyBlue |
87CEFA |
LightSlateGray |
778899 |
LightSlateGrey |
778899 |
LightSteelBlue |
B0C4DE |
LightYellow |
Lime |
00FF00 |
LimeGreen |
32CD32 |
Linen |
FAF0E6 |
Magenta |
FF00FF |
Maroon |
800000 |
MediumAquaMarine |
66CDAA |
MediumBlue |
0000CD |
MediumOrchid |
BA55D3 |
MediumPurple |
9370DB |
MediumSeaGreen |
3CB371 |
MediumSlateBlue |
7B68EE |
MediumSpringGreen |
00FA9A |
MediumTurquoise |
48D1CC |
MediumVioletRed |
C71585 |
MidnightBlue |
191970 |
MintCream |
MistyRose |
FFE4E1 |
Moccasin |
FFE4B5 |
NavajioWhite |
Navy |
000080 |
OldLace |
FDF5E6 |
Olive |
808000 |
OliveDrab |
6B8E23 |
Orange |
FFA500 |
OrangeRed |
FF4500 |
Orchid |
DA70D6 |
PaleGoldenRod |
PaleGreen |
98FB98 |
PaleTurquoise |
PaleVioletRed |
DB7093 |
PapayaWhip |
PeachPuff |
Peru |
CD853F |
Pink |
Plum |
PowderBlue |
B0E0E6 |
Purple |
800080 |
RebeccaPurple |
663399 |
Red |
FF0000 |
RostyBrown |
BC8F8F |
RoyalBlue |
4169E1 |
SaddleBrown |
8B4513 |
Salmon |
FA8072 |
SandyBrown |
F4A460 |
SeaGreen |
2E8B57 |
SeaShell |
Sienna |
A0522D |
Silver |
C0C0C0 |
SkyBlue |
87CEEB |
SlateBlue |
6A5ACD |
SlateGray |
708090 |
SlateGrey |
708090 |
Snow |
SpringGreen |
00FF7F |
SteelBlue |
4682B4 |
Tan |
D2B48C |
Teal |
008080 |
Thistle |
D8BFD8 |
Tomato |
FF6347 |
Turquoise |
40E0D0 |
Violet |
EE82EE |
Wheat |
F5DEB3 |
White |
WhiteSmoke |
F5F5F5 |
Yellow |
FFFF00 |
YellowGreen |
9ACD32 |
In the world of web development and design, maintaining consistency and accessibility is paramount. W3C Color Name provides a standardized set of color names that enable developers and designers to represent and communicate colors accurately across various platforms and browsers.
By using these names, they ensure that their creations are visually appealing and accessible to a wide range of users, including those with visual impairments. W3C Color Name simplify the design process, improve collaboration, and enhance efficiency, making them an indispensable tool in the digital realm.
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