
60 Atlassian Structure Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn Atlassian Structure Shortcuts for Windows

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcuts
Select Issue Left Mouse Click
Show/Hide Issue Details O
Previous Issue Up Arrow Key
Next Issue Down Arrow Key
Expand Sub-Issues Right Arrow Key
Collapse Sub-Issues Left Arrow Key
For Large Structure Page Up/Down Key
Add Column T then T
Expand All + then +
Collapse All – then –

Changing Structure Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcut Keys
Move Up Ctrl + Up Arrow Key
Move Down Ctrl + Down Arrow Key
Indent Ctrl + Right Arrow Key
Outdent Ctrl + Left Arrow Key
Drag and Drop Shift + Left Mouse Click
New Issue Enter
New Sub-Issue Insert
Remove from Structure Delete
Select between Folder/Issue/Page Alt + Up & Down Arrow Key

Structure Views Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcut keys
Switch View V then V
Return to Previous View V then V then V
Save View V then S
Save View As V then S then S
Revert Changes to View V then R
Text Wrapping V then W
Horizontal Scrolling V then H

Changing issues Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcut keys
Edit Summary Tab
Finish & Save Enter
Cancel Field Changes Esc
Edit Next Field Tab
Edit Previous Field Shift + Tab
Edit Next Issue Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow Key
Edit Previous Issue Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow Key

Searching & Adding to Structure Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcuts
Switch Structure S then S
Add Issue Ctrl + Enter

Selecting issues Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcuts
Toggle Selection Spacebar
Select All Ctrl + A
Select All Sub-Issues Shift + Right Arrow Key
Deselect All Sub-Issues Shift + Left Arrow Key
Expand Selection Up Shift + Up Arrow Key
Expand Selection Down Shift + Down Arrow Key
Bulk Selection Shift + Page Up/Down Key
Clear Selection Esc

Standard JIRA Action Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcuts
Operations Dialog .
Edit Issue E
Comment on Issue M
Assign Issue A
Assign to Me I
Edit Issue Labels L
Actions Drop-Down Alt + Down Arrow Key

Advanced Shortcuts

Action Atlassian Structure Shortcuts
Hide/Show Resolved R then R
Cut (Prepare to Move) Ctrl + X
Paste (Move) Ctrl + V
Paste Sub-Issue (Move) Ctrl + Shift + V
Fix/Unfix View on Issue Ctrl + .
Switch Panel \
View Full-Size Image I then I
Show/Hide Issue Details without Switching Panel Shift + O
Show Automation ~
Toggle Structure description D then D



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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