
82 PerfectTablePlan Keyboard Shortcuts

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Most Used PerfectTablePlan Shortcuts

Action PerfectTablePlan Shortcuts
Add guests task Ctrl + 1
Proximity task Ctrl + 2
Add tables task Ctrl + 3
Assign seats task Ctrl + 4
Print task Ctrl + 5
Select all (but not hidden items) Ctrl + A
Numbers and Budget Ctrl + B
Copy Ctrl + C
Collapse all in the Groups pane or Schematic pane Alt + C
Show selected in the Floor Plan pane Ctrl + D
Show selected in the Table Plan pane Ctrl + Alt + D
Show selected in the Schematic plan pane Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D
Show selected in Guests plan pane Ctrl + Shift + D
Show selected in the Groups plan pane Alt + Shift + D
Export Ctrl + E
Find in Guests, Groups, Floor plan, Schematic or Proximity pane Ctrl + F
Insert single guest Ctrl + G
Insert guest couple Ctrl + Alt + G
Insert guest family Ctrl + Shift + G
Insert guest group Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
Insert E-shaped table Ctrl + H
Insert serpentine table Ctrl + Shift + H
Import Ctrl + I
Event Information Ctrl + Shift + I
Quick insert guests Ctrl + J
Lock selected guests Ctrl + K
Unlock selected guests Shift + Ctrl + K
Auto Assign Seats Ctrl + L
Insert custom table Ctrl + M
New plan Ctrl + N
Open plan Ctrl + O
Open Recent Ctrl + Shift + O
Print Ctrl + P
Insert rectangular table Ctrl + R
Insert banquet table Ctrl + Alt + R
Insert head table Ctrl + Shift + R
Save plan Ctrl + S
Save plan as Ctrl + Shift + S
Insert circular table Ctrl + T
Insert semi-circular table Ctrl + Alt + T
Insert oval table Ctrl + Shift + T
Insert a row of seats Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
Unassign guest Ctrl + U
Paste Ctrl + V
Close window Ctrl + W
Cut Ctrl + X
Expand all in the Groups pane or Schematic pane Alt + X
Redo Ctrl + Y
Undo Ctrl + Z
Context-sensitive help F1
What’s this help Shift + F1
Close window Ctrl + F4
Refresh F5
Credits Ctrl + F12
Move focus to the menu bar Alt
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + –
RSVP declined Ctrl + *
RSVP unset Ctrl + \
Delete Backspace
Shuffle the selected guests 1 seat anti-clockwise Ctrl + {
Shuffle the selected guests 1 seat clockwise Ctrl + }
Preferences Ctrl + ,
Delete Delete
Close window Esc
RSVP accepted Ctrl + /
Go to the start of the line Home
Go to the end of the line End
Select the next table in the Floor Plan or Table Plan pane Alt + Left Arrow Key
Select the previous table in Floor Plan or Table Plan pane Alt + Right Arrow Key
Show context menu Menu Key
Globally add/remove “.” from titles e.g. “Mr” <-> “Mr.” Ctrl + .
Rotate the selected item 45 degrees clockwise in the Floor Plan Ctrl + Shift + .
Add an extra seat in the position of the selected seat(s) Ctrl + ;
Window menu Alt + Spacebar
Toggle the current checkbox/press the current button Spacebar
Next field Tab
Previous field Shift + Tab
Next tab Ctrl + Tab
Previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Select the next seat in the Floor Plan or Table Plan pane Alt + Up Arrow Key
Select the previous seat in the Floor Plan or Table Plan pane Alt + Down Arrow Key



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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