
45 Fission Keyboard Shortcuts

for MacOS

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Learn Fission Shortcuts for Mac

Main Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcut keys
Preferences Command + ,
Hide program Command + H
Hide others Option + Command + H
Quit program Command + Q

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcut keys
Open Command + O
Close Command + W
Save Command + S
Save as Shift + Command + S
Save selection Option + Shift + Command + S
Export Command + E
Export selection Option + Command + E

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcuts
Undo Command + Z
Redo Shift + Command + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Delete Backspace
Select all Command + A
Deselect Command + D
Copy tags Option + Command + C
Paste tags Option + Command + V
Start dictation Fn then Fn
Emoji & symbols Control + Command + Spacebar

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcut keys
Zoom in Command + +
Zoom out Command + –
Zoom to selection Option + Command + +
Hide toolbar Option + Command + T
Enter fullscreen Control + Command + F

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcut keys
Smart Split Shift + Command + M
Set selection Shift + Command + L
Add split Shift + Command + A

Playback Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcuts
Play Spacebar
Scan forward Right Arrow key
Scan backward Left Arrow key
Loop playback Command + L
Preview beginning Shift + Command + D
Preview end Shift + Command + E

Clip Menu Shortcuts

Action Fission Shortcuts
Select previous clip Command + [
Select next clip Command + ]
Remove clip Delete
Fade around removed audio Shift + Command + F
Crop Command + K
Split at playhead Command + T
Fade selection in Shift + Command + I
Fade selection out Shift + Command + O



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