
179 Apple Motion Keyboard Shortcuts

for macOS

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Most used Apple Motion Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Open a project Command + O
Create a project Command + N
Create a project from the Project Browser Option + Command + N
Open the project’s Properties Inspector Command + J
Save a project Command + S
Save a project as a new project Shift + Command + S
Close a project or active window Command + W
Import a file Command + I
Import a file as a project Shift + Command + I
Export movie Command + E
Export a selection as a movie Option + Command + E
Print the current view of the canvas Command + P
Undo the last change Command + Z
Redo the last change Shift + Command + Z
Cut the selection Command + X
Copy the selection Command + C
Paste the selection Command + V
Duplicate selection Command + D
Select all items Command + A
Deselect all items Shift + Command + A
Delete the selection Delete
Minimize the active window Command + M
Open Motion Preferences Command + ,
Display Page Setup dialog Shift + Command + P
Hide Motion Command + H
Hide other open application files Option + Command + H
Quit Motion Command + Q
Play/pause a project Spacebar
Turn on/off the animation recording A
Go to the start of a project Home
Go to the end of a project End
Show or hide the toolbar Option + Command + T
Open Motion Help menu Shift + Command + ?

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Create a project from the Project Browser Command + N
Open a project Command + O
Close a project Command + W
Save a project Command + S
Save a project as a new project Shift + Command + S
Import a file Command + I
Import files as a project Shift + Command + I
Close all open projects Option + Command + W
Open the Page Setup window Shift + Command + P
Print the current canvas view Command + P

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Undo the last change Command + Z
Redo the last change Shift + Command + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Paste special Option + Command + V
Duplicate Command + D
Delete Delete
Transform Control points (on a complex shape) Shift + Option + Command + T
Select all items Command + A
Deselect all items Shift + Command + A
Open the project’s Properties Inspector Command + J
Find and replace Command + F
Show spelling and grammar Command + :
Start Dictation Fn twice
Emoji and Symbols Ctrl + Command + Spacebar

Mark Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Mark In point of a selected object or set the play range when no object is selected I
Mark Out point of a selected object or set the play range when no object is selected O
Move the selected object’s In point to the location of the playhead Shift + {
Move the selected object’s Out point to the location of the playhead Shift + }
Open the Edit Marker dialog Option + Command + M
Mark In point of play range Option + Command + I
Mark Out point-of play range Option + Command + O
Reset play range Option + X
Turn on Loop Playback Shift + L
Turn animation recording on and off A
Open the Recording Options window Option + A
Go to the start of a project Home
Go to the end of a project End
Go to the start of the play range Shift + Home
Go to the end of the play range Shift + End
Go to the previous frame Left Arrow key
Go to the next frame Right Arrow key
Go backward ten frames Shift + Left Arrow key
Go forward ten frames Shift + Right Arrow key
Go to the previous keyframe Option + K
Go to the next keyframe Shift + K
Go to the previous marker Option + Command + Left Arrow key
Go to the next marker Option + Command + Right Arrow key
Go to the selection In point Shift + I
Go to the selection Outpoint Shift + O
Perform a RAM preview of the play range area Command + R
Perform a RAM preview of the current selection Option + Command + R
Perform a RAM preview for the whole project Option + Shift + Command + R

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Zoom in Command + =
Zoom out Command + –
Zoom to 100 percent Option + Z
Zoom to fit in the window Shift + Z
Show full view area (the portion of layers that extend beyond the edge of the canvas) Shift + V
Zoom Timeline in Option + Command + =
Zoom Timeline out Option + Command + –
Zoom Timeline to project duration Option + Command + 0
Set the 3D view to the active camera Ctrl + A
Set the 3D view to perspective camera Ctrl + P
Set the 3D view to next camera Ctrl + C
Select the current active camera Ctrl + Option + C
Reset 3D camera view Ctrl + R
Fit the selected objects into the view F
Frame the selected object Shift + Command + F
Focus on the selected object Ctrl + F
Show all color channels Shift + C
Show the transparent channel Shift + T
Show the alpha channel overlay Option + Shift + T
Show the RGB channels only Option + Shift + C
Show the red channel Shift + R
Show the green channel Shift + G
Show the blue channel Shift + B
Show the alpha channel Shift + A
Show the inverted alpha channel Option + Shift + A
Switch between the current channel and alpha channels V
Show the canvas at full resolution Shift + Q
Enable/disable lighting in the canvas Option + L
Enable/disable shadows in the canvas Ctrl + Option + S
Enable/disable reflections in the canvas Ctrl + Option + R
Enable/disable depth of field in the canvas Ctrl + Option + D
Enable/disable motion blur in the canvas Option + M
Enable/disable field rendering in the canvas Option + F
Enable/disable frame blending in the canvas Ctrl + Option + B
Show overlays Command + /
Show the rulers Shift + Command + R
Show/hide the grid Command + ‘
Show/hide the guides Command + ;
Show/hide the dynamic guides Shift + Command + ;
Show/hide the safe zones
Show/hide the film zones Shift + “
Lock the guides Option + Command + ;
Enable/disable snapping to guides N
Show 3D overlays Option + Command + /
Show 3D grid Shift + Command + ‘
Show the Font dialog Command + T
Show the macOS Colors window Shift + Command + C

Object Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcut keys
Add an empty group to the project Shift + Command + N
Add a camera to the project Option + Command + C
Add a light to the project Shift + Command + L
Add a drop zone to the project Shift + Command + D
Add a rig to the project Ctrl + Command + R
Move the selected object to the top of the Layers list Shift + Command + ]
Move the selected object to the bottom of the Layers list Shift + Command + [
Move the selected object up the Layers list by one level Command + ]
Move the selected object down the Layers list by one level Command + [
Group the selected objects into a new layer Shift + Command + G
Ungroup a group of objects Option + Command + G
Make an object active or deactivate an object Ctrl + T
For an audio track, enable/disable the Solo button of the selected track; for an object, solo the object Ctrl + S
Isolate the selected group or layer Ctrl + I
Lock/unlock an object Ctrl + L
Unsolo only the video portion of a file that contains video Ctrl + Shift + S
Convert a 2D group to 3D, or convert a 3D group to 2D Ctrl + D
Add an image mask to the selected object Shift + Command + M
Add a keyframe (to the last modified parameter for the selected object) Ctrl + K
Convert the applied behaviors to keyframes Command + K
Convert a simple shape to a complex shape (with editable Control points) Option + Command + B
Make the selected object the cell source for a particle emitter E
Replicate the selected object L
Clone the selected layer K
Open the Media list and Inspector to display the source and properties of media objects Shift + F

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcut keys
Minimize the active window Command + M
Show the Properties Inspector F1
Show the Behaviors Inspector F2
Show the Filters Inspector F3
Show the Object Inspector F4
Show/hide the Project pane F5
Show/hide the Timing pane F6
Show/hide the HUD F7
Show/hide the Background Task list F9
Enter/exit Player mode F8
Show/hide the Library Command + 2
Show/hide the Inspector Command + 3
Show/hide the Layers list or Project pane Command + 4
Show/hide the Media list Command + 5
Show/hide the Audio list Command + 6
Show/hide the Video Timeline Command + 7
Show/hide the Keyframe Editor Command + 8
Show/hide the Audio Timeline Command + 9

Share Menu Shortcuts

Action Apple Motion Shortcuts
Export movie Command + E
Export selection to movie Option + Command + E


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