Developer ToolsMacOSShortcuts

95 Panic Coda Keyboard Shortcuts

Panic Coda is a web development tool designed for coders. While it offers many features such as a built-in terminal, easy site publishing, and an integrated FTP editor, one thing missing is the ability to customize Panic Coda Shortcuts.

Download Panic Coda Shortcuts PDF

Below, you’ll find a list of Panic Coda Shortcuts to enhance your web development workflow. Download the Panic Coda Shortcuts list in PDF format to boost your productivity.

Application Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
Hide Coda Command + H
Hide Others Option + Command + H
Preferences Command + ,
Quit Coda Command + Q

Files Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
New File (default type) Command + N
New File Option + Command + N
Open Command + O
New Folder Command + Shift + N
New Window Ctrl + Command + N
New Split Ctrl + Command + S
New Tab Command + T
Save Command + S
Save As Command + Shift + S
Print Command + P
Publish Option + Command + P
Reload Command + R
Go To Folder Option + Command + G
Set Shared Access To Read or Write Ctrl + Command + A
Set Shared Access To Read Only Option + Command + A
Share via Bonjour Command + Shift + E
Page Setup Command + Shift + P
Parent Option + Command + Up Arrow key
Back Option + Command + Left Arrow key
Forward Option + Command + Right Arrow key
Get Info Command + I
Hide or Show File Browser Ctrl + Command + B
Close File Command + W
Close Window Command + Shift + W
Delete Command + Delete

Similar Programs: Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Editing Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Cut Command + X
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Find Command + F
Find in Files Ctrl + Command + F
Find Next Command + G
Find Previous Command + Shift + G
Check Spelling Command + ;
Find & Replace Ctrl + Command + G
Next Symbol Command + D
Previous Symbol Command + Shift + D
Next Word Option + Right Arrow key
Previous Word Option + Left Arrow key
Search Files Option + Command + F
Select All Command + A
Shift Left Command + [
Shift Right Command + ]
Next Change – Shared document Option + Command + C
Previous Change – Shared document Option + Shift + Command + C
Show Colors Command + Shift + C
Show Fonts Command + Shift + T
Show Invisible Characters Option + Command + I
Show Line Numbers Option + Command + L
Special Characters Option + Command + T
Split Document Ctrl + Command + L
Show Spelling and Grammar Command + :
Show Validation Errors Option + Command + V
Use Selection to Find Command + E
Use Selection for Replace Option + Command + E
Uncomment Selection Command + /
Wrap Lines – toggle Option + Command + W
View Source Option + Command + U
Balance Command + B
Beginning of Line Command + Left Arrow key
End of Line Command + Right Arrow key
Bigger Font Command + +
Smaller Font Command + –
Blockedit Selection Command + Shift + B
Clear Change Marks Option + Command + M
Close Tag Option + Command + .
Go To Line Number Command + Shift + L
Hide Find Banner Command + Shift + F
Jump to Selection Command + J
Look Up Selected Word in Reference Books Command + ‘
Preview in Default External Browser Option + Command + B

Similar Programs: Brackets Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
Clips Ctrl + Command + C
Minimize Command + M
Next Tab Command + }
Previous Tab Command + {
Transcript Ctrl + Command + T

Modes Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
Sites Command + 1
Text Editor Command + 2
Preview Command + 3
CSS Editor Command + 4
Terminal Command + 5
Books Command + 6

Similar Programs: Sublime Text Keyboard Shortcuts

Source Control Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcuts
Commit Command + Shift + M
Refresh Command + Shift + R
Update Command + Shift + U

Others Panic Coda Shortcuts

Action Panic Coda Shortcut keys
Go To Location Command + L
Reload Command + R
Add Site Command + Shift + A
Connect to Server Command + K
Publish to Server Ctrl + Command + P

I’ve spent countless hours exploring various code editors, but none have truly satisfied me. The most popular ones like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and IntelliJ are all cross-platform applications, lacking the Mac-friendly touch I desire. However, if you’re interested in Visual Studio Code Shortcuts feel free to take a look!



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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