
80 Apple Keynote Keyboard Shortcuts

Apple Keynote shortcuts assist you in effectively conveying your message through slides. With professional-looking templates, cinematic-quality animations, and smooth transitions, it’s easy to create captivating presentations. These shortcuts make the presentation even more seamless by allowing you to navigate between slides effortlessly, whether at the beginning, middle, or end, without exiting the presentation or revealing the desktop.

Download Apple Keynote Shortcuts PDF

I’ve compiled a list of Apple Keynote shortcuts, covering not only how quickly and easily you can navigate through the app but also how to use them during slideshows. Below is the list of shortcuts. Feel free to download and keep it until you’ve memorized the most frequent and useful ones for you.

Most used Apple Keynote Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcuts
Create new document Command + Shift + N
Display font window Command + T
Show or Hide format bar Command + Shift + R
Display colors window Command + Shift + C
Display Inspector window Command + Option + I
Display Rulers Command + R
Zoom in Command + >
Zoom out Command + <
Keynote Help Command + ?
Show or Hide toolbar Command + Option + T

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Canvas Object Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcuts
Next object Tab
Previous object Shift + Tab
Resize Drag
Resize from center Shift + Drag
Rotate object Command + Drag
Rotate object 45 Command + Shift + Drag
Open Shortcut menu Ctrl + Click
Mask or Unmask Image Command + Shift + M
Exit mask mode Return
Duplicate object Command + D
Send an object to the back Command + Shift + B
Bring object front Command + Shift + F
Group objects Command + Option + G
Ungroup objects Command + Option + Shift + G
Lock objects Command + L
Choose an object to insert Command + Shift + V
Unlock object Command + Option + V

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Movie Playing Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcuts
Play or Pause the movie K
Rewind movie J
Fast forward L
Jump to the beginning of the movie I
Jump to the end of the movie O

Slideshow Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcuts
Play Slideshow Command + Option + P
Play from beginning Option + Click
Go to the next build N
Go to the previous build Shift + Left Arrow key
Go to the next slide Shift + Down Arrow key
Go to the previous slide P
Go to the first slide Home
Go to the last slide End
Go back through the visited slides Z
Pause and show the current slide F
Pause and show a black screen B
Pause and show a white screen W
Show or hide pointers C
Go to the next slide – Slide Switcher +
Go to the previous slide – Slide Switcher
Close slide switcher Esc
Reset the timer R
Scroll notes up in the presenter display U
Scroll notes down in the presenter display D
Quit Presentation Q

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Chart Data Editor Shortcuts

Action Apple keynote Shortcuts
Show or hide chart data editor Command + Shift + D
Complete a cell entry and move the selection down Return
Complete a cell entry and move the selection up Shift + Return
Complete a cell entry and move the selection right Tab
Complete a cell entry and move the selection left Shift + Tab
Move to the beginning Home
Move to the end End
Extend the selection to the beginning of the row Shift + Home
Extend the selection to the end of the row Shift + End

Tables Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcuts
Add a row above the selected cells Option + Up Arrow key
Add a column right of the selected cells Option + Right Arrow key
Add a row below the selected cells Option + Down Arrow key
Add a column left of the selected cells Option + Left Arrow key
Delete selected object Delete
Constrain the movement of the table Shift + Drag
In-Text edit mode Return
Stop editing cell Command + Return
Add a border to the selection Shift + Click Border
Copy contents of cells Option + Drag cells
Open table formatting menu Ctrl + Click table

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Formula Shortcuts

Action Apple Keynote Shortcut keys
Open formula editor =
Save changes Return
Discard Changes Esc
Extend or Shrink cell references Option + Shift + Arrow keys
Navigate to the first or last non-header cell Option + Command + Arrow keys
Change a selected cell references Option + Return
Insert line break Option + Return
Insert a tab Option + Tab

When it comes to creating presentations, Microsoft PowerPoint is often the first application that comes to mind. It’s synonymous with presentation creation. Take a quick look at the Microsoft PowerPoint Shortcuts list. Additionally, Canva is emerging as a popular application in the presentation world. Explore the Canva Shortcuts list as well.


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