
28 Roblox Keyboard Shortcuts

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Most Used Roblox Shortcuts

Action Roblox Shortcut keys
Move forward W
Move backward S
Move left A
Move right D
Jump Spacebar
Player list Tab
Mouselock Shift
Fullscreen F11
Take a screenshot (under “record” in the pause menu) F12
Toggle video recording (under “record” in the pause menu) Print Screen
Resume game Esc
Chat /
Select/Unselect tool in Hotbar 1-9
Open/Close inventory 0
Drop tool Backspace
Zoom in I
Zoom out O
Graphics level F10
Decrease graphics quality Shift + F10
Toggle Performance Stats overlay Ctrl + Shift + F7
Reset character R
Leave game L

Developer Tools Shortcuts

Action Roblox Shortcut keys
Dev console F9
Performance stats overlay Shift + F1
World/GPUstats overlay Shift + F2
Network stats overlay Shift + F3
Physics/FPS stats overlay Shift + F4
Transmitted packets/generic overlay Shift + F5



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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