
72 Tally ERP 9 Shortcut keys

Draw your attention to Tally shortcut keys to operate, journalize, and report financial statements. These shortcuts will help you interpret and make decisions based on financial statements. Tally shortcut keys will help you work faster, with easy navigation, report viewing, easy printing, import-export of data, etc. Download the Tally software onto your system.

Download Tally Shortcut keys PDF

Below is the list of Tally shortcut keys organized more easily, even for a newbie. This list of shortcuts has been consistent for years. Download the Tally shortcut keys in PDF format.

Most used Tally Shortcut keys

Action Tally ERP 9 Shortcut Keys
Change the Date F2
Change the Period of a Report Alt + F2
Select the Company from the list F3
Open Company Features Menu F11
Open Configuration Screen F12
Print the current screen Alt + P
Export the details in ASCII, Excel, HTML, or XML format Alt + E
Send the details of a report in an Email Alt + M
View the reports in automatic columns Alt + N
Upload the report to your website Alt + O
Open Tally Shop Ctrl + S
Change the display language in the UI Alt + G
Change the input language in the UI Alt + K
Login to Control Center Ctrl + K
Open the Support Center Ctrl + H
Help Alt + H
Exit the screen without saving Ctrl + Q
Accept the screen & Save the information Ctrl + A
Delete Alt + D
Check the Company Statutory Report Ctrl + Alt + B
View the Voucher display Alt + Enter
Import Statutory Masters Ctrl + Alt + I
Main Tally Area Ctrl + M
Open Stock Query Alt + S
Open Material IN Voucher Ctrl + W
Open Material OUT Voucher Ctrl + J
Duplicate Voucher Alt + 2
Add Voucher Alt + A

Similar Programs: Quickbooks Keyboard Shortcuts

Inventory Voucher Tally Shortcuts

Action Tally ERP 9 Shortcut Keys
Sales Order Alt + F5
Purchase Order Alt + F4
Receipt Note Alt + F9
Delivery Note Alt + F8
Rejection IN Ctrl + F6
Rejection OUT Alt + F6
Stock Journal Alt + F7
Physical Stock Voucher Alt + F10

Similar Programs: How to Create a Company in Tally ERP9?

Gateway of Tally Shortcuts

Action Tally Shortcut Keys
Select and load a company F1
Close Current Company Alt + F1
Company Info Screen Alt + F3
Connect the Company to the Tally.NET server F4
Disconnect Company to the Tally.NET server Alt + F4
Synchronize company data Alt + O
Products and Features screen Ctrl + Alt + T
License and Services screen Ctrl + Alt + L
Configuration Information screen Ctrl + Alt + F
Rewrite data for a Company Ctrl + Alt + R
Close Tally.ERP 9 application Ctrl + Q
Open the Calculator Ctrl + N

Accounting Voucher Shortcuts

Action Tally ERP 9 Shortcuts
Contra Entry F4
Payment Entry F5
Receipt Entry F6
Journal Entry F7
Sales Entry F8
Purchase F9
Reversing Journal F10
Credit Note Ctrl + F8
Debit Note Ctrl + F9
Memorandum Voucher Ctrl + F10

Voucher Entries Shortcuts

Action Tally Shortcut keys
Delete Esc
Delete a Voucher Alt + D
Delete a Master Alt + D
Create a Master Alt + C
Cancel a Voucher Alt + X
Accept a form Ctrl + A
Toggle between invoice and voucher Ctrl + V
Insert a voucher Alt + I
Create duplicate a voucher Alt + 2

Tally GST Shortcuts

Action Tally Prime Shortcuts
Statutory Adjustment voucher Alt + J
Statutory Payment voucher Alt + S
Open GST Portal Ctrl + O
Export Return Ctrl + E
View accepted as it is Ctrl + A

Boost your productivity and spare more time for your business with the powerful Tally shortcuts. There is no replacement for Tally software. Zoho and Freshbooks are cloud accounting software that works as alternatives to Tally.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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