File ManagerShortcutsWindows

106 Xyplorer Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Xyplorer Shortcuts for Windows

File Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Open Selected Item Enter
Open with Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Open Focused Item Ctrl + Enter
Open Ctrl + O
Copy Here with Increment Ctrl + D
Copy Here with the Current Date Ctrl + Shift + Alt + D
Copy Here with the Last Modified Date Ctrl + Shift + D
Copy Here As Ctrl + S
Copy Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + C
Move Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + X
Delete Delete
Delete (No Recycle Bin) Shift + Delete
Delete (Skip Locked) Ctrl + Delete
Rename F2
Batch Rename Shift + F2
Properties Alt + Enter
Quick File View Ctrl + Q
Floating Preview F11
Exit without Saving Ctrl + Alt + F4
Exit Alt + F4
Copy Item Path/Name: Copy name(s) with a path to clipboard Ctrl + P
Copy Item Name: Copy name(s) (w/o path) to clipboard Ctrl + Shift + P

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Action Log Ctrl + Alt + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + V
Move To Shift + F7
Copy To Ctrl + F7
Backup To Ctrl + Shift + F7
New Path Ctrl + Alt + N
Select All: Select all items currently listed Ctrl + A
Deselect All: deselect all items currently listed Ctrl + Shift + A
Invert Selection Ctrl + Shift + I
Selection Filter Ctrl + M
Select By Selected Type(s) Ctrl + Alt + M
Select Items Ctrl + Shift + M
Select All Files Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M
Find Files: open the find files tab if not visible anyway Ctrl + F
Find Now Ctrl + Alt + F
Quick Search F3
Toggle Quick Search Ctrl + Shift + F3
Repeat Last Quick Search Shift + F3
Show All Items In the Branch Ctrl + F3
Create New Folder Ctrl + N
Create a new Text File Ctrl + Shift + N

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Refresh F5
Auto-Refresh Ctrl + Shift + R
Suspend Auto-Refresh Ctrl + R
Refresh Tree F4
Refresh Current Folder Shift + F4
Reset Tree: rebuilds the whole folder tree and then carries you back to the location where you were before Ctrl + Shift + F4
Refresh List: update the current list data, but keep any selections and scroll position Ctrl + F5
Reset List: update the data, scroll back to the top, set focus to the first item Ctrl + Shift + F5
Calculate Folder Sizes: refresh the current file list with folder sizes shown Shift + F5
Show/Hide hidden files and folders Ctrl + Shift + H
New Tab Ctrl + T
Go Home Alt + Home
Lock Location Ctrl + L
Close Tab Ctrl + W
Close All Other Unlocked Tabs Ctrl + Shift + W
Set Visual Filter Ctrl + J
Filter by Selection(s) Shift + Alt + J
Filter by Selected Extension(s) Ctrl + Alt + J
Filter Out Selected Extension(s) Ctrl + Shift + Alt + J
Autosize Columns Now Ctrl + +
Grow Name Column Ctrl + Shift + +
Shrink Name Column Ctrl + Shift + +
Sort by Random Order Ctrl + Alt + R

Go Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Previous Location: jump to the previous tab/mode/location F7
Go to Previous Item in List: jump to the previously focused and selected item in the current file list Shift + Alt + F7
Go to the Last Target Ctrl + Alt + F7
Up Backspace
Down Shift + Backspace
Breadcrumb Ctrl + Backspace
Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Hotlist Ctrl + H
Tab List Ctrl + Shift + T
Go to…: enter/paste a location to jump to Ctrl + G
Go to from Here…: enter/paste a location to jump to Ctrl + Shift + G
Go to Line…: enter/paste a line number to jump to Ctrl + Shift + L
Go to the Application Folder Ctrl + Shift + Alt + G

Favorites Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Toggle Favorite Folder: toggle the favorite status of the current folder Ctrl + B
Toggle Highlighted Folder: toggle highlighted status of the current folder Ctrl + Shift + B
Toggle Boxed Branch: toggle boxed branch status of the current folder Ctrl + Alt + B

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Configuration: show configuration window F9
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts Shift + F9
Customize Toolbar Ctrl + Shift + F9
Customize File Icons Shift + Alt + F9
Toggle Age Ctrl + Shift + E

Panes Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Dual Pane F10
Horizontal Panes Ctrl + F10
Toggle Active Pane Ctrl + Alt + F10
Move to the Other Pane Shift + F6
Copy to Other Pane Ctrl + F6
Backup to Other Pane Ctrl + Shift + F6

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Show Address Bar Ctrl + Shift + F12
Show Toolbar Ctrl + F12
Show Navigation Panels F8
Show Tree Shift + F8
Show Catalog Ctrl + F8
Show Info Panel: Toggle the Info Panel’s visibility F12

Help Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Contents and Index: Display the XYplorer help file F1


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is Xyplorer?” answer-0=”Xyplorer is a file management software that allows users to browse, manage, and organize files on their computer.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are some key features of Xyplorer?” answer-1=”Some key features of Xyplorer include tabbed browsing, dual pane mode, advanced file search, customizable interface, and a wide range of keyboard shortcuts.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What operating systems does Xyplorer support?” answer-2=”Xyplorer supports Windows operating systems, including Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Is Xyplorer free to use?” answer-3=”No, Xyplorer is not a free software. It offers a 30-day trial period, after which users need to purchase a license to continue using it.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Can Xyplorer be used to manage network files?” answer-4=”Yes, Xyplorer can be used to manage network files, allowing users to access and organize files on network drives.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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