File ManagerShortcutsWindows

106 Xyplorer Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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File Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Open Selected Item Enter
Open with Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Open Focused Item Ctrl + Enter
Open Ctrl + O
Copy Here with Increment Ctrl + D
Copy Here with the Current Date Ctrl + Shift + Alt + D
Copy Here with the Last Modified Date Ctrl + Shift + D
Copy Here As Ctrl + S
Copy Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + C
Move Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + X
Delete Delete
Delete (No Recycle Bin) Shift + Delete
Delete (Skip Locked) Ctrl + Delete
Rename F2
Batch Rename Shift + F2
Properties Alt + Enter
Quick File View Ctrl + Q
Floating Preview F11
Exit without Saving Ctrl + Alt + F4
Exit Alt + F4
Copy Item Path/Name: Copy name(s) with a path to clipboard Ctrl + P
Copy Item Name: Copy name(s) (w/o path) to clipboard Ctrl + Shift + P

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Action Log Ctrl + Alt + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste Here to New Subfolder Ctrl + Shift + V
Move To Shift + F7
Copy To Ctrl + F7
Backup To Ctrl + Shift + F7
New Path Ctrl + Alt + N
Select All: Select all items currently listed Ctrl + A
Deselect All: deselect all items currently listed Ctrl + Shift + A
Invert Selection Ctrl + Shift + I
Selection Filter Ctrl + M
Select By Selected Type(s) Ctrl + Alt + M
Select Items Ctrl + Shift + M
Select All Files Ctrl + Shift + Alt + M
Find Files: open the find files tab if not visible anyway Ctrl + F
Find Now Ctrl + Alt + F
Quick Search F3
Toggle Quick Search Ctrl + Shift + F3
Repeat Last Quick Search Shift + F3
Show All Items In the Branch Ctrl + F3
Create New Folder Ctrl + N
Create a new Text File Ctrl + Shift + N

View Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Refresh F5
Auto-Refresh Ctrl + Shift + R
Suspend Auto-Refresh Ctrl + R
Refresh Tree F4
Refresh Current Folder Shift + F4
Reset Tree: rebuilds the whole folder tree and then carries you back to the location where you were before Ctrl + Shift + F4
Refresh List: update the current list data, but keep any selections and scroll position Ctrl + F5
Reset List: update the data, scroll back to the top, set focus to the first item Ctrl + Shift + F5
Calculate Folder Sizes: refresh the current file list with folder sizes shown Shift + F5
Show/Hide hidden files and folders Ctrl + Shift + H
New Tab Ctrl + T
Go Home Alt + Home
Lock Location Ctrl + L
Close Tab Ctrl + W
Close All Other Unlocked Tabs Ctrl + Shift + W
Set Visual Filter Ctrl + J
Filter by Selection(s) Shift + Alt + J
Filter by Selected Extension(s) Ctrl + Alt + J
Filter Out Selected Extension(s) Ctrl + Shift + Alt + J
Autosize Columns Now Ctrl + +
Grow Name Column Ctrl + Shift + +
Shrink Name Column Ctrl + Shift + +
Sort by Random Order Ctrl + Alt + R

Go Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcuts
Previous Location: jump to the previous tab/mode/location F7
Go to Previous Item in List: jump to the previously focused and selected item in the current file list Shift + Alt + F7
Go to the Last Target Ctrl + Alt + F7
Up Backspace
Down Shift + Backspace
Breadcrumb Ctrl + Backspace
Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
Hotlist Ctrl + H
Tab List Ctrl + Shift + T
Go to…: enter/paste a location to jump to Ctrl + G
Go to from Here…: enter/paste a location to jump to Ctrl + Shift + G
Go to Line…: enter/paste a line number to jump to Ctrl + Shift + L
Go to the Application Folder Ctrl + Shift + Alt + G

Favorites Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Toggle Favorite Folder: toggle the favorite status of the current folder Ctrl + B
Toggle Highlighted Folder: toggle highlighted status of the current folder Ctrl + Shift + B
Toggle Boxed Branch: toggle boxed branch status of the current folder Ctrl + Alt + B

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Configuration: show configuration window F9
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts Shift + F9
Customize Toolbar Ctrl + Shift + F9
Customize File Icons Shift + Alt + F9
Toggle Age Ctrl + Shift + E

Panes Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Dual Pane F10
Horizontal Panes Ctrl + F10
Toggle Active Pane Ctrl + Alt + F10
Move to the Other Pane Shift + F6
Copy to Other Pane Ctrl + F6
Backup to Other Pane Ctrl + Shift + F6

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Show Address Bar Ctrl + Shift + F12
Show Toolbar Ctrl + F12
Show Navigation Panels F8
Show Tree Shift + F8
Show Catalog Ctrl + F8
Show Info Panel: Toggle the Info Panel’s visibility F12

Help Menu Shortcuts

Action Xyplorer Shortcut keys
Contents and Index: Display the XYplorer help file F1


What is Xyplorer?

Xyplorer is a file management software that allows users to browse, manage, and organize files on their computer.

What are some key features of Xyplorer?

Some key features of Xyplorer include tabbed browsing, dual pane mode, advanced file search, customizable interface, and a wide range of keyboard shortcuts.

What operating systems does Xyplorer support?

Xyplorer supports Windows operating systems, including Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.

Is Xyplorer free to use?

No, Xyplorer is not a free software. It offers a 30-day trial period, after which users need to purchase a license to continue using it.

Can Xyplorer be used to manage network files?

Yes, Xyplorer can be used to manage network files, allowing users to access and organize files on network drives.


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