
86 Scribus Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Scribus Shortcuts for Windows

File Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcut keys
Create a new document Ctrl + N
Create a new document from a Template Ctrl + Alt + N
Open an existing document Ctrl + O
Close the current document Ctrl + F4
Save the current document Ctrl + S
Save the current document with a different name Ctrl + Shift + S
Save the current document as a Template Ctrl + Alt + S
Print Preview Ctrl + Alt + P
Print the current document Ctrl + P
Export the document (or page) as an image Ctrl + Shift + E
Quit Scribus Ctrl + Q

Edit Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcut keys
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo the last action Ctrl + Z
Redo the last undone action Ctrl + Y
Select All Ctrl + A
Advanced Select All Ctrl + Alt + A
Deselect All Ctrl + Shift + A
Rotate the currently selected item R

Item Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Delete selected object(s) Delete
Duplicate selected object(s) Ctrl + D
Duplicate selected object(s) multiple times Ctrl + Shift + D
Group multiple objects together Ctrl + G
Ungroup objects Ctrl + Shift + G
Raise the object to the highest level Home
Raise the object to the next level up Ctrl + Home
Lower the object to the next level down Ctrl + End
Lower object to the lowest level End
Toggle the locking of the currently selected object Ctrl + L
Toggle the locking of the size of the currently selected object Ctrl + Shift + L

Text Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Insert new text frame T
Edit text frame contents (inline editing) E
Edit text frame contents with the Story Editor Ctrl + T
Import text from an external file Ctrl + I
Link text frame to another text frame N
Unlink text frame from other text frames U
Search (and Replace) text Ctrl + F
Spellcheck Shift + F7

Inline Text Editing Mode Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcut keys
Insert Line Break Shift + Enter
Insert Frame Break Ctrl + Enter
Insert Column Break Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Move to the start of the current paragraph Ctrl + Up Arrow ley
Move to the end of the current paragraph Ctrl + Down Arrow ley
Move to the start of the current text frame Ctrl + Page Up key
Move to the end of the current text frame Ctrl + Page Down key

Special Characters Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Insert non-breaking hyphen Ctrl + Alt + –
Insert non-breaking space Ctrl + Spacebar
Insert page number Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P
Insert a soft (smart) hyphen Ctrl + Shift + –
Start special Unicode sequence Ctrl + Shift + U

Image Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Insert new image frame I
Import image into the frame Ctrl + I
Change image effects Ctrl + E
Copy image contents Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste image contents Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste image contents (absolute location) Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V
Eyedropper Y
Resize image smaller Alt + Up Arrow key
Resize image larger Alt + Down Arrow key

Graphics Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Insert a new bezier line/curve B
Insert new freehand line F
Insert new line L
Insert new shape S
Insert new polygon P
Insert new table frame A
Insert new render frame D

View Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Zoom into the drawn area Z
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + –
Zoom to 100% Ctrl + 1
Zoom to fit the height of the page Ctrl + 0
Toggle display of all guides (including rulers) F11
Toggle display of all palettes (except “Align and Distribute”) F12
Toggle display of rulers Ctrl + Shift + R

Adjustment Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcuts
Move selected item(s) by 1 unit in the arrow key direction Arrow keys
Move selected item(s) by 0.1 units in the arrow key direction Shift + Arrow keys
Move selected item(s) by 10 units in the arrow key direction Ctrl + Arrow keys
Move selected item(s) by 0.01 units in the arrow key direction Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys
Resize selected item(s) outwards by 1 unit in the arrow key direction Alt + Arrow keys
Resize selected item(s) inwards by 1 unit in the arrow key direction Alt + Shift + Arrow keys

Interface Actions Shortcuts

Action Scribus Shortcut keys
Display the Help Manual F1
Toggle display of the Properties Palette F2
Toggle display of the Style Manager F3
Toggle display of the Layers Manager F6
Display the Context Menu Menu key



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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