
102 Pcon Planner Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Most used Pcon Planner Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Open pCon.planner Help Center F1
Show/Hide ribbon Ctrl + Shift + F1
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Delete Ctrl + D
Open OFML Product catalog (in pCon.planner Pro/Me) F6
Open pCon.catalog F3
Open Trimble 3d Warehouse F8
Hide selection Ctrl + T
Display all Ctrl + R
Select all entries Ctrl + A
Delete selected entries Delete
Allows to select multiple objects Ctrl
Select all objects in the drawing Ctrl + A
Invert current selection Ctrl + I
Unselect current selection Esc
Start/End Layout mode (in pCon.planner Pro) F7
Print preview Ctrl + Shift + P
Article list Ctrl + E
Copy the article list (in pCon.planner Pro/Me) Ctrl + B

Application Menu Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Create a new drawing Ctrl + N
Open drawing Ctrl + O
Save current drawing Ctrl + S
Save the current drawing as Ctrl + Shift + S
Start/End Layout mode (in pCon.planner Pro) F7
Print preview Ctrl + Shift + P
Edit document settings Alt + Enter
Configure Program settings F11
Quit program Alt + F4

Edit Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Create a group from selected objects Ctrl + G
Ungroup selected group Ctrl + U
Lock selected objects Ctrl + H
Unlock locked objects Ctrl + Shift + H
Scale tool Ctrl + Shift + L
Quick Copy Ctrl + Q
Move tool Ctrl + Shift + V
Rotate tool Ctrl + Shift + R
Line up tool Ctrl + Shift + U
Arrangement Ctrl + Shift + A
Replace Ctrl + Shift + E
Region tool Ctrl + Shift + G
Extrude tool Ctrl + Shift + X
Mirror tool Ctrl + Shift + M
Hatch Ctrl + Shift + C
Insert Point tool Ctrl + Shift + N
2D Symbol Ctrl + Shift + 2
Create a reference of the selected objects Ctrl + Shift + F
Isolate reference copies Ctrl + Shift + I
Follow Me tool Ctrl + Shift + W
Tape Measure tool Ctrl + Shift + T
Show Layer dialog F4
Show Property Editor F12

View Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Show the drawing in wireframe representation Shift + F1
Show the drawing in hidden line representation Shift + F2
Show the drawing in colored representation Shift + F3
Show the drawing in textured representation Shift + F4
Show the drawing in shaded representation Shift + F6
Show the drawing in a realistic representation Shift + F7
Show the drawing from the orthographic View Ctrl + 1
Show the drawing from the perspective View Ctrl + 3
Show the drawing from the top Ctrl + 4
Show the drawing from the front Ctrl + 5
Show the drawing from the right side Ctrl + 6
Show the drawing from the left side Ctrl + 7
Show the drawing from bottom up Ctrl + Shift + 4
Show the rear of the drawing Ctrl + Shift + 5
Show the drawing from northeast direction Ctrl + Shift + 6
Show the drawing from north west direction Ctrl + Shift + 7
Show the drawing from southeast direction Ctrl + Shift + 8
Show the drawing from southwest direction Ctrl + Shift + 9
Zoom in to View Ctrl + +
Zoom out of View Ctrl + –
Zoom View to extents Ctrl + Spacebar
Zoom View to selection extents Shift + Spacebar
Zoom all viewports to extents Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
Switch to a single viewport Ctrl + F1
Split the screen horizontally into two viewports Ctrl + F2
Split screen vertically into two viewports Ctrl + F3
Split screen into four viewports Ctrl + F4
Split the screen into one big and one small view Ctrl + F5
Split screen into one big and three small viewports Ctrl + F6
Enter/Leave full-screen mode F5

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Allows moving downwards in Projection Perspective F
Allows moving upwards in Projection Perspective R
Change the layer on which the is performed in the Projection Perspective Shift
Move forward in the Projection Perspective W
Move leftward in the Projection Perspective A
Move backward in the Projection Perspective S
Move rightward in the Projection Perspective D
Rotate upwards in Projection Perspective Up Arrow key
Rotate downwards in Projection Perspective Down Arrow key
Rotate left in Projection Perspective Left Arrow key
Rotate right in Projection Perspective Right Arrow key
Exit current navigation mode Esc

Folder Manager Shortcuts

Action Pcon Planner Shortcuts
Create new folder F7
Rename selected folder F2
Move selected articles to the other side F6
Delete selected folders Delete
Select all Ctrl + A
Move selected articles upwards (chance position of the article) Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Move selected articles downwards (change the position of the article) Ctrl + Down Arrow key



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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