
52 Netcad GIS Keyboard Shortcuts

List of Netcad GIS Shortcuts

Learn Netcad GIS Shortcuts for Windows

Screen Shortcuts

Action Netcad GIS Shortcut keys
Redraw screen *
Zoom in +
Zoom out
View the previous screen Alt + C
Go to the target window Alt + Z
Pan screen Alt + X
Query object Alt + O
Select layer mode G
Choose ht types H
Choose fonts F
Select layer menu T

Capture Modes Shortcuts

Action Netcad GIS Shortcuts
POINT capture mode F4
ENDPOINT capture mode F5
INTERSECT capture mode F6
MIDDLE POINT capture mode F7
GRID mode F9
Nearest point capture mode A
Layer modes G

Edit Shortcuts

Action Netcad GIS Shortcut keys
(during editing) Open filter Spacebar
(during editing) Select all objects T
(during editing) Select objects cutting the line D
(during editing) Select objects in the area B

Creating Objects Shortcuts

Action Netcad GIS Shortcuts
Go to coordinate Alt + K
Draw line Ctrl + L
Draw polyline Ctrl + C
Write featured text Alt + Y
Toggle point Ctrl + N

Ribbon Menu Shortcuts

Action Netcad GIS Shortcuts
New file Alt then 1
Open file Alt then 2
Save Alt then 3
Print Alt then 4
Undo Alt then 6
Redo Alt then 7
Info Alt then 9
Main menu Alt + F
Home tab Alt then Y then 0 then 1
Edit tab Alt then Y then 0 then 2
Analysis tab Alt then Y then 0 then 3
Tools tab Alt then Y then 0 then 4
Details tab Alt then Y then 0 then 5
View tab Alt then Y then 0 then 6
Account tab Alt then Y then 0 then 7
Planet tab Alt then Y then 0 then 8
Netmap tab Alt then Y then 0 then 9
Public tab Alt then Y then 1 then 0
Netsurf tab Alt then Y then 1 then 1
Cap tab Alt then Y then 1 then 2
NetRS tab Alt then Y then 1 then 3
Netgis Server tab Alt then Y then 1 then 4
Netpro tab Alt then Y then 1 then 5



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