
55 Balsamiq Mockups Keyboard Shortcuts

Balsamiq Mockups shortcuts are particularly beneficial when creating diagrams, mockups, or wireframes for the web and mobile devices. Wireframes represent sketches of how a website or application will look and function, essentially reproducing the experience of sketching on a notepad.

Download Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts PDF

Many designers, developers, and product managers appreciate its lightweight approach. Additionally, Balsamiq shortcuts are valued for their speed and simplicity. Below is the Balsamiq Mockups shortcuts list, providing additional power while working in Balsamiq. You can download the Balsamiq Mockups shortcuts list in PDF format.

Selection Shortcuts

Action Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts
Edit the selected control’s text F2
Add to selection Shift + Click
Toggle selection Ctrl + Click
Select All Ctrl + A
Deselect All Ctrl + Shift + A
Increase font or icon size Ctrl + ]
Decrease font or icon size Ctrl + [
Nudge selection 20px Shift + Up Arrow key
Nudge selection 1px Up Arrow key
Nudge-Resize selection 2px Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow key
Nudge-Resize selection 20px Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up Arrow key
Bring to front Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Send to back Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Bring forward Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Send backward Ctrl + Down Arrow key

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Edit Shortcuts

Action Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts
Undo the last command Ctrl + Y
Redo the last command Ctrl + Z
Cut the selected controls Ctrl + X
Copy the selected controls Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste In Place Ctrl + Shift + V
Delete the selected controls Delete
Duplicate the selected controls Ctrl + D
Lock the selected controls Ctrl + 2
Unlock all locked controls Ctrl + 3
Group the selected controls Ctrl + G
Ungroup the selected groups Ctrl + Shift + G

Align Shortcuts

Action Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts
Align selected controls left Ctrl + Alt + 1
Align selected controls center Ctrl + Alt + 2
Align selected controls right Ctrl + Alt + 3
Align selected controls top Ctrl + Alt + 4
Align selected controls middle Ctrl + Alt + 5
Align selected controls bottom Ctrl + Alt + 6

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Views Shortcuts

Action Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts
Hide or Show the UI Library Ctrl + L
Enter Full-Screen View Ctrl + F
Exit Full-Screen View Esc
Show or Hide Markup Ctrl + K
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + –
Zoom to Actual Size Ctrl + 1
Zoom to Fit Ctrl + 0

Working with Mockup Files Shortcuts

Action Balsamiq Mockups Shortcuts
New Blank Mockup Ctrl + N
New Clone of Current Mockup Ctrl + Shift + N
Open a mockup file Ctrl + O
Save the current mockup file Ctrl + S
Save as Ctrl + Shift + S
Close current mockup Ctrl + W
Close all mockups Ctrl + Shift + W
Export this mockup’s XML Ctrl + E
Import mockup Ctrl + Shift + E
Export Snapshot to Clipboard Ctrl + Shift + C
Export Snapshot to PNG Ctrl + R
Export All Snapshots to PNG Ctrl + Shift + R
Print mockup Ctrl + P
Quit Balsamiq Mockups Ctrl + Q

Balsamiq Mockups excels at creating wireframes and prototypes, with color and font styling coming later in the design process. However, if Balsamiq Mockups doesn’t meet your needs and you’re searching for a suitable replacement, consider trying Figma. Figma is a vector-based wireframing and prototyping tool. Take a look at the Figma shortcuts list.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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