
45 Android Bluetooth Keyboard Shortcuts

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Browsing Shortcuts

Action Android Shortcuts
Zoom in Context Menu key + I
Zoom out Context Menu key + O
Go back a page Context Menu key + J
Go forward a page Context Menu key + K
Refresh current page Context Menu key + R
Find on page Context Menu key + F
Open bookmarks Context Menu key + B
Open social network sharing menu Context Menu key + S
View browsing history Context Menu key + H
Open browser settings Context Menu key + S

Gmail Shortcuts

Action Android Shortcut keys
Forward current message F
Reply to the current message R
Reply-all to the current message A
Archive message Y
Refresh inbox Context Menu key + U
Compose new e-mail Context Menu key + C
Open an e-mail Enter
Jump to the top of the inbox Alt + Up Arrow key
Jump to the bottom of the inbox Alt + Down Arrow key

Running apps with Shortcuts

Action Android Shortcut keys
Open browser Win + B
Open contacts Win + C
Open e-mail Win + E
Open Gmail Win + G
Open calendar Win + I
Open Maps Win + M
Open Music Win + P
Open text messaging Win + S
Open YouTube Win + Y

Typing Shortcuts

Action Android Shortcuts
Delete the character to the right of the cursor Shift + Delete
Delete an entire line Alt + Delete
Move the cursor to the beginning of the line Alt + Left Arrow key
Move the cursor to the end of the line Alt + Right Arrow key
Move the cursor to the top of the page Alt + Up Arrow key
Move the cursor to the bottom of the page Alt + Down Arrow key
Highlight text for cutting or copying Shift + Left & Right Arrow key
Cut text Context Menu key + X
Copy text to the clipboard Context Menu key + C
Paste text from the clipboard Context Menu key + V
Select all text in the current field Context Menu key + A

Others Android Shortcuts

Action Android Shortcut keys
Go back Esc
Menu Ctrl + Esc
Search page Alt + Spacebar
Switch between tasks Alt + Tab



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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