
65 Things Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

for MacOS

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Learn Things Shortcuts for Mac

Creating new items shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcut keys
Create a new to-do Command + N
Create a new to-do below a selection Spacebar
Paste plain text to create new to-dos Command + V
Create a checklist in an open to-do Command + Shift + C
Create a new heading for a project Command + Shift + N
Create a new project Option+ Command + N
Open Quick Entry Control + Spacebar
Open Quick Entry with Autofill Option + Control + Spacebar

Editing items Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcuts
Open a to-do or project Enter
Save and close Command + Enter
Duplicate a to-do or project Command + D
Copy a to-do or project Command + C
Paste a to-do or project Command + V
Complete selected items Command + .
Cancel selected items Command + Option + .
Delete selected items Delete
Move completed to Logbook Command + L

Editing Dates Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcuts
Show Jump Start Command + S
Start Today Command + T
Start This Evening Command + E
Start Anytime Command + R
Start Someday Command + O
Start date +1 day Control + ]
Start date -1 day Control + [
Start date +1 week Control + Shift + ]
Start date – 1 week Control + Shift + [
Direct access to set a Deadline Command + Shift + D
Deadline +1 day Control + .
Deadline -1 day Control + ,
Deadline +1 week (Help) Control + Shift + >
Deadline -1 week (Help) Control + Shift + <
Make to-do or project repeating Command + Shift + R

Select Items Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcuts
Select item above Up Arrow key
Select item below Down Arrow key
Extend selection upwards Shift + Up Arrow key
Extend selection downwards Shift + Down Arrow key
Extend selection to the top Option + Shift + Up Arrow key
Extend selection to the bottom Option + Shift + Down Arrow key
Select everything Command + A

Moving Items Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcuts
Move the selection to another list Command + Shift + M
Move copied to-dos and projects Option + Command + V
Move selection up Command + Up Arrow key
Move selection down Command + Down Arrow key
Move selection to the top of the list Option + Command + Up Arrow key
Move the selection to the bottom of the list Option + Command + Down Arrow key

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcut keys
Go to Inbox Command + 1
Go to Today Command + 2
Go to Upcoming Command + 3
Go to Anytime Command + 4
Go to Someday Command + 5
Go to Logbook Command + 6
Show to-do in list Command + Shift + L
Enter a selected project Right Arrow key
Return to the previous list Left Arrow key
Scroll to top Option + Up Arrow key
Scroll to bottom Option + Down Arrow key
Navigate up in the sidebar Control + Option + Command + Up Arrow key
Navigate down in the sidebar Control + Option + Command + Down Arrow key

Controlling Windows Shortcuts

Action Things Mac Shortcut keys
Open new window Command + Control + N
Cycle through open windows Command + Shift + `
Close current window Command + W
Close all windows Option + Command + W
Hide or show the sidebar Command + \
Hide or show the toolbar Option + Command + T
Fullscreen Control + Command + F



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