
205 Rekordbox 6 Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn Rekordbox 6 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used Performance 1 Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Start / Pause REC Ctrl + Enter
Search in the collection Alt + F
Toggle the layout Spacebar

Most Used Performance 2 Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Start / Pause REC Ctrl + N
Search in the collection Alt + F
Toggle the layout Spacebar
Exit Esc
Show in explorer Ctrl + R

Similar Programs: Virtual DJ Keyboard Shortcuts

Performance 1: Browse Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Load track to Deck 1 Shift + Left Arrow key
Load track to Deck 2 Shift + Right Arrow key
Instant double Deck 1 Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Instant double Deck 2 Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Move to the tag list Ctrl + L
Show split screen `

Performance 2: Browse Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Load track to left deck Shift + Left Arrow key
Load track to the right deck Shift + Right Arrow key
Instant double left deck Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Instant double right deck Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Show split screen `

Similar Programs: Serato DJ Keyboard Shortcuts

Performance 1: Deck Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Deck 1: Play / Pause Z
Deck 2: Play / Pause N
Deck 1: Cue A
Deck 2: Cue H
Deck 1: Return to the beginning of the track Shift + A
Deck 2: Return to the beginning of the track Shift + H
Deck 1: Jump forward Ctrl + T
Deck 2: Jump forward Ctrl + P
Deck 1: Jump reverse Ctrl + R
Deck 2: Jump reverse Ctrl + O
Deck 1: Beat sync master Shift + Q
Deck 2: Beat sync master Shift + Y
Deck 1: Master tempo Shift + T
Deck 2: Master tempo Shift + O
Deck 1: Pitch bend + E
Deck 2: Pitch bend + I
Deck 1: Pitch bend – W
Deck 2: Pitch bend – U
Deck 1: Increase tempo (medium) Shift + E
Deck 2: Increase tempo (medium) Shift + I
Deck 1: Decrease tempo (medium) Shift + W
Deck 2: Decrease tempo (medium) Shift + U
Deck 1: Slip reverse S
Deck 2: Slip reverse J
Deck 1: Next track Alt + A
Deck 2: Next track Alt + H
Deck 1: Previous track Alt + Q
Deck 2: Previous track Alt + Y
Deck 1: Set memory cue Shift + T
Deck 2: Set memory cue Shift + P
Deck 1: Delete memory cue Shift + R
Deck 2: Delete memory cue Shift + O
Deck 1: Call the next memory cue T
Deck 2: Call the next memory cue P
Deck 1: Call previous memory cue R
Deck 2: Call previous memory cue O
Deck 1: Set hot cue A 1
Deck 2: Set hot cue A 6
Deck 1: Set hot cue B 2
Deck 2: Set hot cue B 7
Deck 1: Set hot cue C 3
Deck 2: Set hot cue C 8
Deck 1: Set hot cue D 4
Deck 2: Set hot cue D 9
Deck 1: Clear hot cue A Ctrl + Shift + 1
Deck 2: Clear hot cue A Ctrl + Shift + 6
Deck 1: Clear hot cue B Ctrl + Shift + 2
Deck 2: Clear hot cue B Ctrl + Shift + 7
Deck 1: Clear hot cue C Ctrl + Shift + 3
Deck 2: Clear hot cue C Ctrl + Shift + 8
Deck 1: Clear hot cue D Ctrl + Shift + 4
Deck 2: Clear hot cue D Ctrl + Shift + 9
Deck 1: Halve the loop Shift + D
Deck 2: Halve the loop Shift + K
Deck 1: Double the loop Shift + G
Deck 2: Double the loop Shift + :
Deck 1: Auto beat loop on / off Shift + F
Deck 2: Auto beat loop on / off Shift + L
Deck 1: Loop in D
Deck 2: Loop in K
Deck 1: Loop out F
Deck 2: Loop out L
Deck 1: Exit / Reloop G
Deck 2: Exit / Reloop ;
Deck 1: 1/2 beat loop Ctrl + 1
Deck 2: 1/2 beat loop Ctrl + 6
Deck 1: 1 beat loop Ctrl + 2
Deck 2: 1 beat loop Ctrl + 7
Deck 1: 2 beat loop Ctrl + 3
Deck 2: 2 beat loop Ctrl + 8
Deck 1: 4-beat loop Ctrl + 4
Deck 2: 4-beat loop Ctrl + 9
Deck 1: 8-beat loop Ctrl + 5
Deck 2: 8-beat loop Ctrl + 0
Deck 1: Metronome volume Alt + 1
Deck 2: Metronome volume Alt + 6
Deck 1: Adjust beatgrid to playback position Alt + 3
Deck 2: Adjust beatgrid to playback position Alt + 8
Deck 1: Fine shift Beatgrid right Alt + 4
Deck 2: Fine shift Beatgrid right Alt + 9
Deck 1: Fine shift Beatgrid left Alt + 2
Deck 2: Fine shift Beatgrid left Alt + 7
Deck 1: Expand beat intervals Alt + E
Deck 2: Expand beat intervals Alt + I
Deck 1: Shrink beat intervals Alt + W
Deck 2: Shrink beat intervals Alt + U
Deck 1: Show grid panel Alt + G
Deck 2: Show grid panel Alt + ;

Performance 2: Deck Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Deck 1: Play / Pause W
Deck 2: Play / Pause S
Deck 1: Cue I
Deck 2: Cue K
Deck 1: Master tempo F5
Deck 2: Master tempo F10
Deck 1: Pitch bend + Y
Deck 2: Pitch bend + H
Deck 1: Pitch bend – T
Deck 2: Pitch bend – G
Deck 1: Increase tempo (small) R
Deck 2: Increase tempo (small) F
Deck 1: Decrease tempo (small) E
Deck 2: Decrease tempo (small) D
Deck 1: Reverse Q
Deck 2: Reverse A
Deck 1: Slip reverse U
Deck 2: Slip reverse J
Deck 1: Next track Alt + W
Deck 2: Next track Alt + S
Deck 1: Previous track Alt + Q
Deck 2: Previous track Alt + A
Deck 1: Set hot cue A 1
Deck 2: Set hot cue A 6
Deck 1: Set hot cue B 2
Deck 2: Set hot cue B 7
Deck 1: Set hot cue C 3
Deck 2: Set hot cue C 8
Deck 1: Set hot cue D 4
Deck 2: Set hot cue D 9
Deck 1: Set hot cue E 5
Deck 2: Set hot cue E 0
Deck 1: Clear hot cue A Ctrl + Shift + 1
Deck 2: Clear hot cue A Ctrl + Shift + 6
Deck 1: Clear hot cue B Ctrl + Shift + 2
Deck 2: Clear hot cue B Ctrl + Shift + 7
Deck 1: Clear hot cue C Ctrl + Shift + 3
Deck 2: Clear hot cue C Ctrl + Shift + 8
Deck 1: Clear hot cue D Ctrl + Shift + 4
Deck 2: Clear hot cue D Ctrl + Shift + 9
Deck 1: Clear hot cue E Ctrl + Shift + 5
Deck 2: Clear hot cue E Ctrl + Shift + 0
Deck 1: Loop in O
Deck 2: Loop in L
Deck 1: Loop out P
Deck 2: Loop out ;
Deck 1: Exit / Reloop Alt + @
Deck 2: Exit / Reloop Alt + :
Deck 1: 1/8 beat loop Alt + 1
Deck 2: 1/8 beat loop Alt + 6
Deck 1: 1/4 beat loop Alt + 2
Deck 2: 1/4 beat loop Alt + 7
Deck 1: 1/2 beat loop Alt + 3
Deck 2: 1/2 beat loop Alt + 8
Deck 1: 1 beat loop Alt + 4
Deck 2: 1 beat loop Alt + 9
Deck 1: 2 beat loop Alt + 5
Deck 2: 2 beat loop Alt + 0
Halve the BPM value Alt + Down Arrow key
Double the BPM value Alt + Up Arrow key
Show GRID panel Alt + Spacebar
Switch to [ABS] F1
Switch to [REL] F2
Switch to [INT] F3
Switch to [THR] F4

Performance 1: Sampler Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Playback slot 1 X
Playback slot 2 C
Playback slot 3 V
Playback slot 4 B
Playback slot 9 M
Playback slot 10 ,
Playback slot 11 .
Playback slot 12 /
Pause slot 1 Shift + X
Pause slot 2 Shift + C
Pause slot 3 Shift + V
Pause slot 4 Shift + B
Pause slot 9 Shift + M
Pause slot 10 <
Pause slot 11 >
Pause slot 12 Shift + /
Playback sequence Ctrl + Q
Previous sequence Ctrl + S
Next sequence Ctrl + D

Performance 2: Sampler Shortcuts

Action Rekordbox 6 Shortcuts
Playback slot 1 Z
Playback slot 2 X
Playback slot 3 C
Playback slot 4 V
Playback slot 5 B
Playback slot 6 N
Pause slot 1 Alt + Z
Pause slot 2 Alt + X
Pause slot 3 Alt + C
Pause slot 4 Alt + V
Pause slot 5 Alt + B
Pause slot 6 Alt + N



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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