
80 Epic Health Keyboard Shortcuts

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Most Used Epic Shortcuts

Action Epic Health Shortcut keys
Send an open window to the back Alt + Esc
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Find Ctrl + F
Replace Ctrl + H
Select all Ctrl + A
Print Ctrl + P
Undo Ctrl + Z
Select text Shift + Arrow keys
Move across words in the text Ctrl + Arrow keys
Select text by a word at a time instead of each letter Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys
Delete previous word/character block Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the next word/character block Ctrl + Delete
Open Windows Task Manager Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Lock windows if you are logged in to a shared workstation Win + L
Minimize all windows Win + M
Undo minimize all windows Win + Shift + M
Toggle bold formatting Ctrl + B
Toggle italic formatting Ctrl + I
Toggle underline Ctrl + U
Move the window to fill half of the screen Win + Right & Left Arrow key
Maximize window Win + Up Arrow key
Decrease the size of the window Win + Down Arrow key
When using bullet points, move to the next bullet Tab
Return bullet point to the left Shift + Tab
Move the cursor to the location / URL bar Alt + D
Close the tab or browser window Ctrl + W
When Explorer is already up, open a new tab Ctrl + T
Delete a file, bypassing the Recycle Bin Shift + Delete
Create a new folder Ctrl + Shift + N
Rename a file F2

Main Workspace Shortcuts

Action Epic Keyboard Shortcuts
Open the Epic Button menu Alt
Jump to the Epic search function Ctrl + Spacebar
Open Paging System Ctrl + 1
Go to Patient Lists workspace Ctrl + 2
Open Patient Station Ctrl + 3
Secure your Epic workstation Ctrl + Alt + S
Logout of Epic Ctrl + Alt + L

Patients Chart Shortcuts

Action Epic Shortcut keys
Close the Workspace (chart) Ctrl + W
Open the menu for More activities Ctrl + D
Move to the next row Tab
Move to the previous row Shift + Tab
Quickly select choices in the drop-down menu A – Z
Move the cursor to the next choice in the list UP & Down Arrow key
Save the selection and move to the next row Enter
Remain in the row but choose more than one item ;
Add comments to rows F6
Navigate to the previous section F7
Navigate to the next section F8
Close section or note F9
Open Manage Orders Activity Ctrl + O
Open the sidebar of Manage Orders Activity Alt + M
Open Order Sets Alt + D
Place the cursor in the New Order field in the Sidebar Alt + W
Open the window to Sign orders Alt + S
Open the comment box in the Order Composer window F6
Today (current date or relative date) T
Week (relative date) W
Month (relative date) M
Year (relative date) Y
Now N
Hour H

Note Writing Shortcuts

Action Epic Keyboard Shortcuts
Move the cursor to the next line of text Down Arrow key
Move the cursor to the previous line of text Up Arrow key
Move the cursor to the end of the current line of text End
Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line of text Home
Move the cursor to the end of the text Ctrl + End
Moves cursor to the beginning of the text Ctrl + Home
Moves cursor to next word Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Moves cursor to the previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Highlight from the cursor position to the end of the line of text Shift + End
Highlight from the cursor position to the beginning of the line of text Shift + Home
Highlight the line below the current one Shift + Down Arrow key
Highlight the line above the current one Shift + Up Arrow key
Highlight one character to the right of the cursor Shift + Right Arrow key
Highlight one character to the left of the cursor Shift + Left Arrow key
Highlight from the cursor position to the end of the word Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Highlight from the cursor position to the beginning of the word Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key


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