
14 Trader Workstation 980 Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Trader Workstation 980 Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Trader Workstation 980 Shortcut keys

Action Trader Workstation Shortcuts
Delete rows / Cancel orders Delete
Insert row Insert
Search Trader Workstation Ctrl + F
Show hotkey popup Ctrl + H
Configure hotkeys Ctrl + H then Ctrl + H
Copy tickers from the page Ctrl + C
Paste tickers to the page Ctrl + V
Cut tickers from the page Ctrl + X
(left click on Ask) Buy Left Mouse Click
(left click on Bid) Sell Left Mouse Click
(left click on Lend) Continuous Borrow Left Mouse Click
(left click on Borrow) Continuous Lend Left Mouse Click
(left click on Auction Lend) Auction Borrow Left Mouse Click
(left click on Auction Borrow) Auction Lend Left Mouse Click



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