
150 RX 8 Audio Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows & macOS

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Learn RX 8 Audio Editor Shortcuts for Windows & Mac

Most used RX 8 Audio Editor Shortcuts

Action RX 8 Audio Editor Shortcuts Windows RX 8 Audio Editor Shortcuts Mac
New Ctrl + N Command + N
New from Clipboard Ctrl + Shift + N Command + Shift + N
Open Ctrl + O Command + O
Save Ctrl + S Command + S
Save As Ctrl + Shift + S Command + Shift + S
Overwrite Original File Ctrl + Alt + S Command + Option + S
Export Ctrl + E Command + E
Export Selection Ctrl + Shift + E Command + Shift + E
Export Regions to Files Ctrl + Alt + E Command + Option + E
Close Ctrl + W Command + W
Close All Ctrl + Shift + W Command + Shift + W
Zoom out full all rulers Ctrl + 0 Command + 0
Zoom in on the amplitude ruler Shift + Up Arrow key Shift + Up Arrow key
Zoom out on the amplitude ruler Shift + Down Arrow key Shift + Down Arrow key
Zoom in on the frequency ruler Shift + Ctrl + Up Arrow key Shift + Command + Up Arrow key
Zoom out on the frequency ruler Shift + Ctrl + Down Arrow key Shift + Command + Down Arrow key
Zoom in on time ruler Up Arrow key Up Arrow key
Zoom in on time ruler Ctrl + = Command + =
Zoom on the left side of the time ruler Ctrl + [ Command + [
Zoom out on time ruler Ctrl + – Command + –
Zoom out on time ruler Down Arrow key Down Arrow key
Zoom out full-on the time ruler Ctrl + Shift + – Command + Shift + –
zoom on the right side of the time ruler Ctrl + ] Command + ]
Zoom to time selection Ctrl + [ Command + [
Undo Ctrl + Z Command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Command + Y
Cut Ctrl + X Command + X
Copy Ctrl + C Command + C
Paste Ctrl + V Command + V
Paste Special – Insert Ctrl + Alt + V Command + Option + V
Paste Special – Replace Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V Command + Option + Shift + V
Paste Special – Mix Shift + V Shift + V
Paste Special – Invert and Mix Alt + V Option + V
Paste Special – To Selection Only Alt + Shift + V Option + Shift + V
Paste Special – Clip Gain Only Ctrl + Shift + V Command + Shift + V
Deselect Ctrl + D Command + D
Reselect Ctrl + Shift + D Command + Shift + D
Select All Ctrl + A Command + A
Invert Selection Ctrl + Shift + I Command + Shift + I
Invert Selection Frequencies Ctrl + I Command + I
Select Harmonics Ctrl + Shift + H Command + Shift + H
Begin Selection At Playhead [ [
End Selection At Playhead ] ]
Delete Selection Delete Delete
Trim to Selection Ctrl + T Command + T
Snap Ctrl + Shift + ; Command + Shift + ;
Find a Similar Event Window Ctrl + F Command + F
Find Next Similar Event Ctrl + Shift + F Command + Shift + F
Find Previous Similar Events Ctrl + Alt + F Command + Option + F
Add Marker or Region M M
Edit Cursor Mode – Select Time T T
Edit Cursor Mode – Select Time/Freq R R
Edit Cursor Mode – Select Freq F F
Edit Cursor Mode – Lasso L L
Edit Cursor Mode – Selection Brush B B
Edit Cursor Mode – Selection Wand W W
Edit Cursor Mode – Zoom Time Z Z
Edit Cursor Mode – Zoom Time/Freq Shift + Z Shift + Z
Edit Cursor Mode – Zoom Freq Alt + Z Option + Z
Edit Cursor Mode – Grab Time G G
Edit Cursor Mode – Grab Time/Freq Shift + G Shift + G
Edit Cursor Mode – Grab Freq Alt + G Option + G
Open the Batch Processing window Ctrl + B Command + B
Send Connect Clips back to the host Ctrl + Enter Command + Return
Discard Connect Clips Ctrl + Backspace Command + Backspace
Remove Clip Gain from the selection Shift + Backspace Shift + Backspace
Remove All Clip Gain Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Command + Shift + Backspace
Toggle Follow Playhead Ctrl + P Command + P
Toggle Follow Playhead Mode > Page / Continuous Ctrl + Shift + P Command + Shift + P
Show Clip Gain Ctrl + G Command + G
Show Channels Separately Ctrl + Shift + C Command + Shift + C
Show Spectrogram Settings Ctrl + Shift + , Command + Shift + ,
Decrease Spectrogram FFT Size Shift + , Shift + ,
Increase Spectrogram FFT Size Shift + . Shift + .
Show Preferences Window Ctrl + , Command + ,
Show File Info window Shift + Alt + Ctrl + I Shift + Option + Command + I
Enter Full Screen Ctrl + ^ + F Command + ^ + F
Exit Full Screen Esc Esc
Toggle Instant Process I I
Toggle Preview Bypass Shift + B Shift + B
Toggle Window Opacity Ctrl + Shift + O Command + Shift + O
Toggle Input Monitoring Alt + I Option + I
Start or Stop Playback Spacebar Spacebar
Start or Stop Preview Playback Shift + Spacebar Shift + Spacebar
Rewind Transport Home Home
Seek to End of the file End End
Toggle Looping Ctrl + L Command + L
Toggle Playhead Follow Ctrl + P Command + P
Toggle Playhead Return Ctrl + R Command + R
Select Both Channels Ctrl + Shift + B Command + Shift + B
Select Left Channel Ctrl + Shift + L Command + Shift + L
Select Right Channel Ctrl + Shift + R Command + Shift + R
Extend selection left Shift + Left Arrow key Shift + Left Arrow key
Extend selection left by page Shift + Page Up key Shift + Page Up key
Extend selection to the right boundary of the current view Shift + Page Down key Shift + Page Down key
Extend selection by the increment to the right Shift + Right Arrow key Shift + Right Arrow key
Move the playhead to the next marker or selection boundary Alt + Right Arrow key Option + Right Arrow key
Move the playhead to the previous marker or selection boundary Alt + Left Arrow key Option + Left Arrow key
Nudge playhead to the left Left Arrow key Left Arrow key
Nudge playhead to the right Right Arrow key Right Arrow key
Page Left Page Up key Page Up key
Page Right Page Down key Page Down key
Select to End Shift + End Shift + End
Select to Start Shift + Home Shift + Home
Process Reverse Shift + R Shift + R
Process Silence Shift + S Shift + S
Process Gain Ctrl + Alt + 6 Command + Option + 6
Process Leveler Ctrl + Alt + 0 Command + Option + 0
Process Loudness Ctrl + Alt + 4 Command + Option + 4
Process Ambience Match Ctrl + Alt + 2 Command + Option + 2
Process Mixing Ctrl + Alt + 8 Command + Option + 8
Process De-plosive Ctrl + 5 Command + 5
Process De-click Ctrl + 2 Command + 2
Process De-clip Ctrl + 1 Command + 1
Process Deconstruct Ctrl + 7 Command + 7
Process De-reverb Ctrl + 8 Command + 8
Process EQ Ctrl + Alt + 7 Command + Option + 7
Process EQ Match Ctrl + Alt + 1 Command + Option + 1
Process Plug-in Ctrl + Alt + 5 Command + Option + 5
Process De-Hum Ctrl + 3 Command + 3
Process Resampler Ctrl + Alt + 9 Command + Option + 9
Process Spectral Repair Ctrl + 6 Command + 6
Process Pitch Contour Ctrl + Alt + 3 Command + Option + 3
Process Voice De-noise Ctrl + 4 Command + 4
Open Gain module Shift + Enter + 6 Shift + Return + 6
Open Leveler module Shift + Enter + 0 Shift + Return + 0
Open Loudness module Shift + Enter + 4 Shift + Return + 4
Open Ambience Match module Shift + Enter + 2 Shift + Return + 2
Open Mixing module Shift + Enter + 8 Shift + Return + 8
Open De-plosive module Shift + 5 Shift + 5
Open De-click module Shift + 2 Shift + 2
Open De-clip module Shift + 1 Shift + 1
Open Deconstruct module Shift + 7 Shift + 7
Open De-reverb module Shift + 8 Shift + 8
Open EQ module Shift + Alt + 7 Shift + Option + 7
Open the EQ Match module Shift + Alt + 1 Shift + Option + 1
Open Plug-in window Shift + Alt + 5 Shift + Option + 5
Open De-hum module Shift + 3 Shift + 3
Open Resample module Shift + Alt + 9 Shift + Option + 9
Open Spectral Repair module Shift + 6 Shift + 6
Open Time & Pitch module Shift + Alt + 3 Shift + Option + 3
Open Voice De-noise module Shift + 4 Shift + 4
Open Markers window Alt + M Option + M
Open the Module Chain window C C
Open Spectrum Analyzer window Alt + R Option + R
Open the Waveform Stats window Alt + D Option + D
Learn Ambience Match Shift + Alt + Ctrl + 9 Shift + Option + Command + 9
Suggest De-hum Shift + Alt + Ctrl + 4 Shift + Option + Command + 4
Learn Voice De-noise Shift + Alt + Ctrl + 5 Shift + Option + Command + 5
Learn EQ Match Shift + Alt + Ctrl + 2 Shift + Option + Command + 2


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is RX 8 Audio Editor?” answer-0=”RX 8 Audio Editor is a professional audio editing software developed by iZotope that allows users to enhance, repair, and manipulate audio recordings.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are some features of RX 8 Audio Editor?” answer-1=”RX 8 Audio Editor offers a variety of features such as noise reduction, audio repair, spectral editing, batch processing, and time/pitch manipulation.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Can I use RX 8 Audio Editor with other audio software?” answer-2=”Yes, RX 8 Audio Editor can be used as a standalone application or as a plugin with other audio software such as Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, and Ableton Live.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”What audio file formats does RX 8 Audio Editor support?” answer-3=”RX 8 Audio Editor supports a wide range of audio file formats, including WAV, MP3, AAC, FLAC, and AIFF.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Is there a free trial version of RX 8 Audio Editor available?” answer-4=”Yes, iZotope offers a 3-day free trial of RX 8 Audio Editor that users can download from their website.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”Can I use RX 8 Audio Editor for live audio processing?” answer-5=”No, RX 8 Audio Editor is designed for post-production editing and is not intended for live audio processing.” image-5=”” headline-6=”h2″ question-6=”Do I need a powerful computer to run RX 8 Audio Editor?” answer-6=”RX 8 Audio Editor has relatively low system requirements and can run on most modern computers. However, some processing-intensive features may require a more powerful computer to run smoothly.” image-6=”” count=”7″ html=”true” css_class=””]



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