
162 FineReader 15 Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn FineReader 15 Shortcuts for Windows

Most used FineReader 15 Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
Make the selected text fragment bold Ctrl + B
Make the selected text fragment italic Ctrl + I
Underline the selected text fragment Ctrl + U
Go to the table cell Arrow keys
Switch to the Pages pane Alt + 1
Switch to the Image pane Alt + 2
Switch to the Text pane Alt + 3
Switch to the Zoom pane Alt + 4
New PDF Document Ctrl + N
Open PDF Document Ctrl + O
Open in OCR Editor Ctrl + R
Scan to OCR Editor Ctrl + S
New OCR Project Ctrl + Shift + N
Open OCR Project Ctrl + Shift + O
Exit Ctrl + Q
Move Up Alt + Up Arrow key
Move Down Alt + Down Arrow key
Remove Delete
Select All Ctrl + A
Find Recent Documents Ctrl + F

OCR Editor – File Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader Shortcut keys
New Task Ctrl + N
Open Image Ctrl + O
Scan Pages Ctrl + K
Save Page Images As Ctrl + Alt + S
Close Ctrl + W
New OCR Project Ctrl + Shift + N
Open OCR Project Ctrl + Shift + O
Save OCR Project Ctrl + Shift + S
E-mail document Ctrl + M
E-mail images Ctrl + Alt + M
Print text Ctrl + P
Print image Ctrl + Alt + P
Exit Ctrl + Q

OCR Editor – Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader Shortcut keys
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cut Ctrl + X
Recognize and Copy Text Ctrl + C
Copy Area as Image Ctrl + Shift + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Select All Ctrl + A
Cancel Selection Ctrl + Shift + A
Delete Pages Ctrl + Backspace
Delete Areas and Text Ctrl + Delete
Delete Text Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Rotate Pages Right Ctrl + Shift + >
Rotate Pages Left Ctrl + Shift + <
Edit Page Images Ctrl + I
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next F3
Replace Ctrl + H

OCR Editor – View Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
Show Navigation Pane F5
Show Zoom Pane Ctrl + F5
Image Pane Only F6
Image and Text Panes F7
Text Pane Only F8
Next Pane Ctrl + Tab
Previous Pane Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + –
Best Fit Ctrl + 0
Go to Page Number Ctrl + G
Go to Next Page Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Go to the Previous Page Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Go to First Page Ctrl + Home
Go to the Last Page Ctrl + End
Close Page Ctrl + F4

OCR Editor – Recognize Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
Recognize All Pages Ctrl + Shift + R
Recognize Page Ctrl + R
Analyze All Pages Ctrl + Shift + E
Analyze Page Ctrl + E
Verify Text Ctrl + F7
Next Error Alt + Down Arrow key
Previous Error Alt + Up Arrow key
Mark Text as Verified Ctrl + T

OCR Editor – Area Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
Recognize Area Ctrl + Shift + B
Change Area Type to Text Ctrl + 2
Change Area Type to Table Ctrl + 3
Change Area Type to Picture Ctrl + 4
Change Area Type to Background Picture Ctrl + 6
Change Area Type to Barcode Ctrl + 5
Change Area Type to Recognition Area Ctrl + 1

OCR Editor – Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
View Dictionaries Ctrl + Alt + D
Redaction Mode Ctrl + Shift + H
Hot Folder Ctrl + Shift + F
Options Ctrl + >

PDF Editor – File Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcuts
New Task Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Save as PDF Document Ctrl + Shift + S
Close Document Ctrl + W
Recognize Document Ctrl + Shift + R
Print Ctrl + P
Exit Ctrl + Q

PDF Editor – Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcut keys
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy Area as Image Ctrl + C
Copy Area as Text Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy Area as Table Ctrl + Alt + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Delete Delete
Select All Ctrl + A
Add Pages from the File Ctrl + Shift + O
Add Pages from Scanner Ctrl + Shift + A
Rotate Pages Right Ctrl + Shift + >
Rotate Pages Left Ctrl + Shift + <
Delete Pages Ctrl + Backspace
Add Bookmark Ctrl + D
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next F3

PDF Editor – View Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcut keys
Show Navigation Pane F5
Search F9
Digital Signatures F8
Show PDF Tools F6
Show Comments Pane F7
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + –
Best Fit Ctrl + 0
Actual Size Ctrl + 8
Fit Width Ctrl + 9
Go to Page Number Ctrl + G
Next Page Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Previous Page Ctrl + Up Arrow key
First Page Home
Last Page End
Back Alt + Left Arrow key
Forward Alt + Right Arrow key
One-Page View Ctrl + 1
One-Page Scrolling Ctrl + 2
Two-Page View Ctrl + 3
Two-Page Scrolling Ctrl + 4
Full Screen F11

PDF Editor – Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcut keys
Edit Text and Pictures Ctrl + E
Text Box Ctrl + T
Add Note Ctrl + M
Highlight Ctrl + H
Underline Ctrl + U
Strikethrough Ctrl + K
Insert Text Ctrl + J
Search and Mark Up F9
Redaction Mode Ctrl + R
Options Ctrl + >

ABBYY Compare Documents Shortcuts

Action FineReader 15 Shortcut keys
New Comparison Ctrl + N
Open Document Ctrl + O
Close Document Ctrl + W
Save Ctrl + S
Exit Ctrl + Q
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Select All Differences Ctrl + A
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + –
Fit to Width Ctrl + 0
Next Page Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Previous Page Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Compare Documents Ctrl + R
Next Difference Ctrl + Right Arrow key
Previous Difference Ctrl + Left Arrow key
Ignore Difference Delete
Help F1


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is FineReader 15?” answer-0=”FineReader 15 is an OCR software developed by ABBYY. It allows users to convert scanned images, PDFs, and digital camera photos into editable and searchable formats such as Word, Excel, and PDF.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What operating systems does FineReader 15 support?” answer-1=”FineReader 15 supports Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What languages does FineReader 15 support?” answer-2=”FineReader 15 supports over 190 languages, including European, Asian, and Middle Eastern languages.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”What file formats can FineReader 15 convert to?” answer-3=”FineReader 15 can convert images and PDFs to various formats, including Word, Excel, PDF, and searchable PDF.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Can FineReader 15 recognize handwritten text?” answer-4=”Yes, FineReader 15 can recognize handwritten text. However, the accuracy of the recognition may vary depending on the handwriting’s legibility.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”Can FineReader 15 convert scanned documents with complex layouts?” answer-5=”Yes, FineReader 15 can handle complex layouts such as tables, charts, and images. It can also maintain the original formatting during the conversion process.” image-5=”” headline-6=”h2″ question-6=”Can FineReader 15 automatically detect and rotate skewed images?” answer-6=”Yes, FineReader 15 can automatically detect and correct the orientation of skewed images.” image-6=”” count=”7″ html=”true” css_class=””]


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