
63 MarvinSketch Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn MarvinSketch Shortcuts for Windows

Most used MarvinSketch Shortcuts

Action MarvinSketch Shortcuts
Scrolls canvas vertically Mouse Scroll
Scrolls canvas horizontally Shift + Mouse Scroll
Zooms canvas in and out Ctrl + Mouse Scroll
Scrolls canvas in the proper direction if no object is selected on the canvas Ctrl + Arrow keys
Moves the selected object if an item is selected on the canvas Arrow keys
Move the selected object on the canvas in greater units Shift + Arrow keys
Removes the selected element Delete
Select All Ctrl + A
Invert selection Ctrl + Shift + I
Copy Ctrl + C
Copy As OLE Ctrl + D
Copy As… Ctrl + K
Copy As Smiles Ctrl + L
Copy As MRV Ctrl + M
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Redo Ctrl + Y
Undo Ctrl + Z
Copy as SMILES Ctrl + L
File open Ctrl + O
Save to file Ctrl + S
Save as… Ctrl + Shift + S
Print Ctrl + P
Display Periodic Table dialog Ctrl + E
Create a new window Ctrl + N
Clear Desk Ctrl + Delete
Close current window Ctrl + W
Exit from the application Ctrl + Q
Create a Group Ctrl + G
Clean in 2D Ctrl + 2
Clean in 3D Ctrl + 3
Select conformer Ctrl + F
Opens the Template Library Ctrl + T
Checks and corrects chemical structures Ctrl + R
Places the Analysis box on the canvas Ctrl + I
You can view the name of the current structure, and enter a new name to be imported Ctrl + Shift + N
Open MarvinSpace Ctrl + Shift + M
Guidelines Ctrl + Shift + F9
Grid Shift + F9
Exit transformation mode and return to Sketching mode F5
Switch on the Zoom mode F6
3D rotation F7
Sets the visibility of the main menubar F11
Changes transformation mode from Drag to Rotate in 2D to Rotate in 3D Spacebar
Negative charge
Positive charge +
Single bond 1
Double bond 2
Triple bond 3
Aromatic bond 4
Single up bond 5
Single down bond 6
Single up or down bond 7
Single or double bond 12
Single or aromatic bond 14
Double or aromatic bond 24
Any bond 0
Any atom *
Heteroatom Q
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Hydrogen H
Chlorine CI


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How does MarvinSketch work?” answer-0=”MarvinSketch works by providing a user-friendly interface for drawing chemical structures, as well as a set of tools for editing and manipulating those structures. The software also provides a range of features for performing chemical calculations and simulations, such as prediction of molecular properties, prediction of reaction outcomes, and visualization of molecular orbitals.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What are the system requirements for using MarvinSketch?” answer-1=”The system requirements for using MarvinSketch depend on the version of the software you are using. Detailed information on the specific system requirements can be found on the ChemAxon website.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Can I use MarvinSketch with my existing workflows?” answer-2=”MarvinSketch can be integrated into existing workflows through its support for a variety of file formats, including common chemical file formats such as MDL Molfile, SMILES, and SDF. The software also provides a set of APIs for integration with other tools and services.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Can I customize MarvinSketch for my specific needs?” answer-3=”MarvinSketch provides a range of customization options, including the ability to create custom templates and macros, and the ability to perform custom calculations and simulations. Detailed information on customization options can be found in the MarvinSketch user manual and on the ChemAxon website.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]



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