
113 Windows Run Commands you should know

Access any app with the Windows Run command in just two steps. To minimize my interaction with the mouse, I have memorized all the required keyboard shortcuts. As a result, Windows Run commands make you more productive for day-to-day use.

Download Windows Run Commands PDF

Below is the list of important and useful Windows Run commands that will help you reach your destination. Open the Windows Run command using the shortcut Windows key + R. Launch programs, open files and folders, and access internet resources using the Windows Run commands. Download the Windows Run commands in PDF format.

Start Menu Settings

Action Windows Run Commands
Start Windows Command Prompt Win + R
Start Command Prompt as Administrator Win + R, type cmd
Access the new Windows Settings Menu Win + R, type ms-settings

Windows Run Commands on Windows Utilities

For the Run Commands below, you have to press Win + R, then type “shutdown” etc.

Action Run Commands
Windows Explorer explorer
Registry Editor regedit
Windows Services (local) services.msc
Task Manager taskmgr
Classic System Configuration Utility msconfig
Classic Remote Desktop mstsc
Log Off Windows logoff
Shuts Down Windows shutdown
Command Prompt cmd

Run Commands for Folder Locations

For the Run Commands below, you have to press Win + R, then type “videos” etc.

Action Run Commands
Open Documents Folder documents
Open Videos folder videos
Open Downloads Folder downloads
Open Favorites Folder favorites
Open Recent Folder recent
Open Pictures Folder pictures
Open C-Drive in Explorer c:

Run Commands for System Configurations

For the Run Commands below you have to press Win + R, then type like “devmgmt.msc” etc.

Action Run Commands
Device Management devmgmt.msc
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
Computer Management including System Tools, Storage, Services compmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager diskmgmt.msc
Component Services dcomcnfg
Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc
Local Security Policy Settings secpol.msc
Local User and Groups lusrmgr.msc
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc
Network properties ncpa.cpl
To create a User account netplwiz
Device Manager devmgmt.msc

Classic Control Panel Properties Commands

For the Run Commands below, you have to press Win + R, then type “control folders” etc.

Action Run Commands
Classic Control Panel control
Classic File Explorer folder properties control folders
Classic Keyboard properties control keyboard
Classic Mouse Properties control mouse
Classic Printer properties control printers
Classic User Account Manager properties for the current user control userpasswords
Classic User Account Manager properties for all users control userpasswords2
Classic Administrative Tools control admintools
Classic System Information control system
Classic Application Wizard appwiz.cpl
Classic Power Configuration powercfg.cpl
Classic date and time properties timedate.cpl
Classic Regional Settings intl.cpl
Classic Sound Properties mmsys.cpl
Classic Security Center wscui.cpl
Classic Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl
Classic System Properties sysdm.cpl
Classic Windows Firewall Properties firewall.cpl

Built-in App Access Command Shortcuts

For the Run Commands below, you have to press the Win key, then type “calculator” etc.

Action Run Commands
Start Windows Alarm App alarm
Start the Windows Calculator App calculator
Start the Windows Calendar app calendar
Start the Windows Camera App camera
Start the Windows Classic Control Panel control
Start Windows Edge App edge
Start Windows Get Help App gethelp
Start Windows Groove Music App groove
Start the Windows Mail app mail
Start Windows Map App maps
Start Windows Messaging App messaging
Start Windows Mixed Reality Portal App mixed
Start the Windows Office Hub App office
Start Windows OneNote App onenote
Start the Windows People App people
Start Windows Photo App photos
Start Windows Print 3D App print3d
Start Windows Skype App skype
Start Windows Sticky Notes App sticky
Start the Windows Store App store
Start Windows Voice Recorder App voice
Start Windows Weather App weather
Start Windows Whiteboard App whiteboard
Start Windows Your Phone App yourphone

Run Commands if the Application installed

For the Run Commands below, you have to press Win + R, then type like “excel” etc.

Action Run Commands
Adobe Acrobat acrobat
Adobe Photoshop photoshop
Google Chrome chrome
MS Excel excel
MS Access access
MS Word winword
MS PowerPoint powerpnt
Windows Media Player wmplayer
MS Paint mspaint
Wordpad write

IP Config Commands

Action IP Config Commands
Display connection configuration ipconfig/all
Display DNS Cache contents ipconfig/displaydns
Delete DNS Cache contents ipconfig/flushdns
Release all connections ipconfig/relase
Renew all connections ipconfig/renew
Refreshes DHCP & Re-Register DNS ipconfig/registerdns
Display DHCP Class ID ipconfig/showclassid
Modifies DHCP Class ID ipconfig/setclassid

Other Windows Tools Commands

For the Run Commands below, you have to press Win + R, then type “magnify” etc.

Action Run Commands
Create a shared folder Wizard shrpubw
Direct X Troubleshooter dxdiag
Clean Manager – Disk Cleanup Utility cleanmgr
Clipboard Viewer clipbrd
Windows Installer Details msiexec
Windows Magnifier magnify
On-Screen Keyboard osk
System Information msinfo32
Volume Control sndvol
Windows Version winver
Compare Files comp
MS-Dos FTP ftp
Volume Serial Number for C: label
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard fsquirt
Driver Verifier Utility verifier
Migration Wizard migwiz
File Signature Verification Tool sigverif
Fonts fonts
Game Controllers joy.cpl
Malicious Software Removal Tool mrt
Private Characters Editor eudcedit

The coolest thing about Windows Run Commands is that it remembers all the commands you have entered. In the future, you only need to type the first letter. Only some know about the Windows Run Commands, but many of us haven’t realized its full potential and usefulness yet.

What can I type in the Run command?

In the Run command, you can type file names, folder paths, URLs, commands, and system tool shortcuts to quickly access programs and perform actions.



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