
32 Nvidia Omniverse Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Nvidia Omniverse Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Nvidia Omniverse Shortcuts

Action Nvidia Omniverse Shortcuts
Select all assets in the current scene Ctrl + A
Select all assets not selected and deselect all selected assets Ctrl + I
Deselect all assets in the current scene Esc
Select parent Up Arrow key
Save file Ctrl + S
Open file Ctrl + O
Delete selected asset Delete
Create an instance of the current asset Ctrl + Shift + I
Duplicate current asset Ctrl + D
Group selected assets into a container Ctrl + G
Toggle selected asset visibility H
Toggle between Material and Sky browsers Ctrl + M
Open the Sun Study panel Ctrl + U

Viewport Shortcuts

Action Nvidia Omniverse Shortcut keys
Move forward Right Mouse Click + W
Move backward Right Mouse Click + S
Move left Right Mouse Click + A
Move right Right Mouse Click + D
Move up Right Mouse Click + Q
Move down Right Mouse Click + E
Move forward / backward Mouse Scroll
Double the movement speed Shift
Halve the movement speed Ctrl
Select Left Mouse Click
Orbit / Rotate view Alt + Left Mouse Click
Pan / Slide view Mouse Scroll
Look Right Mouse Click
Invoke contextual menus Right Mouse Click
Toggle between normal and de-clutter visualization modes Shift + H
Focus on the selected asset F
Enable / Disable the visibility of the UI F7
Toggle the full-screen mode F11
Capture a screenshot F10



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