Developer ToolsShortcutsWindows

77 winIDEA Keyboard Shortcuts

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File Shortcuts

Action winIDEA Shortcut Keys
Create a new document Ctrl + N
Open an existing document Ctrl + O
Save the active document Ctrl + S
Print the active document Ctrl + P
Search for a string in multiple files Ctrl + Shift + F
Load existing workspace project Ctrl + Shift + O
Create new workspace Ctrl + Shift + N

Edit Shortcuts

Action Isystem winIDEA Shortcuts
Find the specified text Ctrl + F
Repeat the last action F3
Undo the last action Alt + Backspace
Redo the previously undone action Ctrl + Y
Cut the selection and put it onto the Clipboard Ctrl + X
Copy the selection and put it on to the Clipboard Ctrl + C
Insert Clipboard contents Ctrl + V
Select the entire document Ctrl + A
Next error F4
Previous error Shift + F4

View Shortcuts

Action winIDEA Shortcut keys
Open Project Workspace window Alt + 0
Open Output window Alt + 2
Open Watch window Alt + 3
Open Variables window Alt + 4
Open Disassembly window Alt + 8
Open a new memory window Alt + 6
Open the Profiler Alt + 9
Open a browser on the global symbol table Alt + F12
Show / Hide Document Bar Alt + 1
Show SFR window Alt + 5
Show / Hide Callstack window Alt + 7
View desktop template 1 Ctrl + Shift + 1
View desktop template 2 Ctrl + Shift + 2
View desktop template 3 Ctrl + Shift + 3
View desktop template 4 Ctrl + Shift + 4

Debug Shortcuts

Action winIDEA Shortcut keys
Initialize and download to the emulator Ctrl + F3
Resume program execution from the current execution point F5
Reset the CPU and stop Shift + F5
Step into the next statement F11
Step over the next statement F10
Run the program until the current/specified position Ctrl + F10
Run until the current function exits Ctrl + F11
Set/Clear an Execution Breakpoint on the current position F9
BP the specified text Ctrl + F9
Open Breakpoint window Alt + F9
Re-apply breakpoints Shift + F9
Debug – Snapshot F8
Debug – Modify Ctrl + M
Go to Execution Point Alt + Num *

Plugin Shortcuts

Action winIDEA Shortcuts
Go to Line Dialog Ctrl + G
Toggle Bookmark Ctrl + F2
Display Next Bookmark F2
Display Previous Bookmark Shift + F2
Display Bookmarks Dialog Alt + F2
Delete Line Ctrl + L
Find Previous Shift + F3
Find matching brace Ctrl + ´
Display Marker 1 Ctrl + 1
Display Marker 2 Ctrl + 2
Display Signal Pointer Ctrl + 0
Display Trigger Position Ctrl + J
Bookmark toggle Ctrl + F2
Bookmark next F2
Bookmark previous Shift + F2
Delete All Bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + F2
Set Marker 1 Ctrl + Alt + 1
Set Marker 2 Ctrl + Alt + 2
Remove Markers Ctrl + 3
Begin New Session Ctrl + B
Go to dialog Ctrl + G

Others winIDEA Shortcuts

Action winIDEA Shortcut keys
Compile the file in the active window Ctrl + F7
Compile/assemble all modified project files and link to an executable file F7
Configure the interface to an external cross-compiler Alt + F7
Toggle header source Ctrl + Q
Open a browser on the global symbol table Alt + F12
BrowseGotoDefinition F12
BrowsePopContext Ctrl + Num *
Run script F6
Run the script and Wait Ctrl + F6
WindowDockHide Shift + Esc


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