Developer ToolsMacOSShortcuts

121 BBEdit Keyboard Shortcuts

for MacOS

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BBEdit Menu Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcuts
Preferences Command + ,
Hide BBEdit Command + H
Hide others / Show all Command + Option + H
Quit BBEdit Command + Q

File Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcuts
Open Command + O
Open from FTP / SFTP server Command + Control + O
Open file by name Command + D
Reveal selection Command + Option + D
Open counterpart Command + Option + Up Arrow key
Close window Command + Shift + W
Close all windows Command + Option + W
Close all documents Command + Option + Shift + W
Save Command + S
Save all Command + Option + S
Save as Command + Shift + S
Save to FTP / SFTP server Command + Control + S
Save a copy to the FTP server Command + Option + Control + S
Print Command + P
Print all Command + Option + P
Print one copy Command + Option + Shift + P
New text document Command + N
New HTML document Command + Control + N
Text window Command + Shift + N
Disk browser Command + Option + N

Edit Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Clear undo history Command + Control + Z
Cut Command + X
Cut & append Command + Shift + X
Copy Command + C
Copy & append Command + Shift + C
Paste Command + V
Select all Command + A
Complete F5
Previous clipboard Control + [
Next clipboard Control + ]
Text options Command + Option + ,
Paste and select Option + Command + V
Previous clipboard Shift + Command + V
Paste and match indentation Option + Shift + Command + V
Paste column Control + Command + V
Select line Command + L
Select paragraph Command + Option + L
Select up Control + Shift + Up Arrow key
Select down Control + Shift + Down Arrow key
Clear list selection Command + Shift + A
New line before paragraph Command + Shift + Enter
New line after paragraph Command + Enter
Move line up Control + Up Arrow key
Move line down Control + Down Arrow key
Delete line Control + Shift + Delete
Duplicate Command + Shift + D
Find the next misspelled word Command + ;
Find all misspelled words Command + Option + ;
Show/hide spelling panel Command + Shift + ;

Text Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Apply text-transform Control + Option + Shift + A
Shift left Command + [
Shift left one space Command + Shift + [
Shift right Command + ]
Shift right one space Command + Shift + ]
Un/Comment lines Command + /
Un/Comment block Command + Option + /
Hard wrap Command + \

View Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
View balance Command + B
View balance & fold Command + Shift + B
Previous document Command + Option + [
Next document Command + Option + ]
Move to the next window Command + Option + O
Show / Hide fonts Command + T
Show/hide sidebar Command + 0

Search Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Find Command + F
Multi-file search Command + Shift + F
Live search Command + Option + F
Find next Command + G
Find Previous Command + Shift + G
Find all Command + Option + G
Find & select all Command + Option + Control + G
Extract Command + Control + G
Find previously selected text Command + Shift + H
Use selection to find Command + E
Use selection for find (grep) Command + Shift + E
Use selection to replace Command + Option + E
Use selection for replace (grep) Command + Option + Shift + E
Replace Command + =
Replace all Command + Option + =
Replace all in the selection Command + Control + =
Replace to end Command + Shift + =
Next occurrence of selected text Command + G
Previous occurrence of selected text Command + Option + G
Find definition Command + –
Find in reference Command + Shift + –
Apply to left Command + Left Arrow key
Apply to right Command + Right Arrow key

Go Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Go to line number Command + J
Go to line number Command + Option + J
Centerline Command + Shift + J
Named symbol Command + Control + J
Previous error Command + Control + Up Arrow key
Next error Command + Control + Down Arrow key
Previous placeholder Control + Shift + `
Next placeholder Control + `
Commands Command + Shift + U

Window Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Minimize window Command + M
Minimize all windows Command + Option + M
Cycle through windows Command + `
Cycle through windows backward Command + Shift + `

Navigation Bar Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Open Files menu Control + Option + F
Open Function menu Control + Option + N
Open Includes menu Control + Option + I
Open marker menu Control + Option + M

Markup Shortcuts

Action BBEdit Shortcut keys
Edit markup Control + Control + M
Balance tags Command + Option + B
Preview in BBEdit Command + Control + P
Table Command + Control + T
Anchor Command + Control + A
Image Command + Control + I
Break Command + Control + B
Document syntax Command + Control + Y
Document links Command + Control + K
Document folder Command + Control + U
Format Command + Option + Shift + F


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