
12 Screencastify Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows & MacOS

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Learn Screencastify Shortcuts for Windows & Mac

Most used Screencastify Shortcuts

Action Screencastify Shortcuts Windows Screencastify Shortcuts Mac
Open the extension Alt + Shift + S Option + Shift + S
Start/stop recording Alt + Shift + R Option + Shift + R
Pause/resume recording Alt + Shift + P Option + Shift + P
Show/hide annotation toolbar Alt + T Option + T
Focus the spotlight on the mouse Alt + F Option + F
Highlight mouse clicks with a red circle Alt + K Option + K
Pen tool Alt + P Option + P
Eraser Alt + E Option + E
Wipe screen clear Alt + Z Option + Z
Return to the mouse cursor Alt + M Option + M
Hide the mouse when not moving Alt + H Option + H
Toggle embedded webcam on/off (tab recordings only) Alt + W Option + W



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