
49 Smartsheet Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Most used Smartsheet Shortcuts

Action Smartsheet Shortcut keys
Enter fullscreen Ctrl + F1
Exit fullscreen Ctrl + F1
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Saves all unsaved information Ctrl + S
Enters edit mode on the selected cell F2
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Fill down Ctrl + D
Open the Hyperlink dialog for the selected cell Ctrl + K
Open the Edit Widget dialog for the selected dashboard widget Enter
Open a Sheet Ctrl + /
Find information within a sheet Ctrl + F
Open the Search dialog for advanced search options Ctrl + Shift + F
Display the Go To Row dialog to navigate to a specific row in the sheet Ctrl + G
Go to the first cell of the current row Home
Move to the last cell of the current row End
Takes you to the top left cell of a sheet Ctrl + Home
Takes you to the bottom right cell of a sheet Ctrl + End
Moves you up in a sheet Page Up key
Moves you down in a sheet Page Down key
Open the File menu Alt + F
Indent the row Ctrl + ]
Outdent the row Ctrl + [
Select card Arrow keys
Expand or collapse the card Spacebar
Open the Edit Row dialog Enter
Add a card Shift + Enter
Move focus forward to the next accessible region Ctrl + F6
Move focus backward to the previous accessible region Ctrl + Shift + F6

Formatting Shortcuts

Action Smartsheet Shortcuts
Inserts a carriage return or line break in Text/Number cells Ctrl + Enter
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Bold Ctrl + B
Inserts a bullet point in the cell Alt + 0 then 1 then 4 then 9

Insert or Select Shortcuts

Action Smartsheet Shortcuts
Inserts a row above the selected row Insert
Selects the entire column of your active or selected cells Ctrl + Spacebar
Highlight all rows/cells above the row/cell you selected Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow key
Highlight all rows/cells below the row/cell you selected Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow key
Selects the entire row of your active or selected cells Shift + Spacebar
Display or remove a checkbox, star, or flag in the selected cell Spacebar
Open the Edit Row dialog Ctrl + E

Working with date Shortcuts

Action Smartsheet Shortcuts
Insert today’s date T
Enters a date n days from today’s date + then Number
Enters a date n days before today’s date – then Number

Formulas Shortcuts

Action Smartsheet Shortcut keys
Creates an absolute reference Ctrl + L
Insert $ after the column name Ctrl + L then L
Insert $ around the column name Ctrl + L then L then L



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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