MacOSMedia PlayerShortcuts

88 QLab Keyboard Shortcuts

for macOS

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Most used QLab Shortcuts

Action QLab Shortcuts
GO Spacebar
Panic All Esc
Hard Stop All Esc then Esc
Pause All [
Resume All ]
Preview V
Load Selected Cue L
Pause/Resume Selected Cues P
Panic Selected Cues S
Hard Stop Selected Cues S then S
Edit Cue Number N
Edit Cue Name Q
Edit Cue Notes O
Edit Cue Target T
Edit Cue Pre-wait E
Edit Cue Action (duration) D
Edit Cue Post-wait W
Cycle Cue Continue Mode C
Flag/Unflag F

Qlab Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab Shortcut keys
Hide QLab Command + H
Hide Others Option + Command + H
Quit QLab Command + Q

File Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab 4 Shortcut keys
New Workspace Command + N
New From Template Command + Shift + N
Open Workspace… Command + O
Close Command + W
Save Command + S
Save As… Command + Shift + S

Edit Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab 4 Shortcut keys
Undo Command + Z
Redo Command + Shift + Z
Cut Command + X
Copy Command + C
Paste Command + V
Paste cue properties Command + Shift + V
Paste and match style Option + Command + Shift + V
Delete Command + Delete
Select All Command + A
Find… Command + F
Find Next Command + G
Find Previous Command + Shift + G
Show Fonts Option + Command + Shift + T
Bigger Command + +
Smaller Command + –
Show Colors Option + Command + Shift + C
Copy Style Option + Command + C
Paste Style Option + Command + V

Cues Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab 4 Shortcut keys
Group Command + 0
Audio Command + 1
Mic Command + 2
Video Command + 3
Camera Command + 4
Titles Command + 5
Fade Command + 6
OSC Command + 7
MIDI Command + 8
MIDI File Command + 9

Tools Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab Shortcut keys
Load to time… Command + T
Renumber selected cues… Command + R
Delete the numbers of selected cues… Command + D
Jump to cue… Command + J
Jump to the selected cue’s target Command + Shift + J
Toggle live fade preview Command + Shift + P
Fade – Set Levels From Target Command + Shift + T
Fade – Paste Fade Shape Control + Command + V
Revert Fade Action Command + Shift + R

View Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab Shortcut keys
Toggle Full Screen Command + Shift + F
Inspector Command + I
Inspector for selected cue Command + Shift + I
Toolbox Command + K
Cue Lists & Active Cues Command + L
Toggle Between Cue Lists & Active Cues Command + Shift + L
Broken Cues & Warnings Command + B
Workspace Settings Command + ,
Select Next Cue Command + Down Arrow key
Select Previous Cue Command + Up Arrow key
Move Playback Position To the Next Cue Command + Shift + Down Arrow key
Move Playback Position To the Previous Cue Command + Shift + Up Arrow key
Select Next Inspector Tab Command + Right Arrow key
Select Previous Inspector Tab Command + Left Arrow key
Enter Edit Mode Command + Shift + [
Enter Show Mode Command + Shift + ]

Window Menu Shortcuts

Action QLab Shortcut keys
Minimize Command + M
Workspace Settings Command + ,
Workspace status Command + Shift + W
Audition window Command + Shift + A
Override controls Command + Shift + O
Light Dashboard Command + Shift + D
Audition window Command + Shift + A


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How do I trigger a cue in QLab using shortcuts?” answer-0=”To trigger a cue in QLab using shortcuts, you can use the following: Press the number key associated with the cue you want to trigger (e.g., 1 for cue 1, 2 for cue 2, and so on).” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How do I play/pause or stop a cue in QLab using shortcuts?” answer-1=”To play/pause or stop a cue in QLab using shortcuts, you can use the following: Play/pause cue: Spacebar, Stop cue: Enter or Return” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How do I navigate between cues in QLab using shortcuts?” answer-2=”To navigate between cues in QLab, you can use the following shortcuts: Go to previous cue: Left arrow or Up arrow, Go to next cue: Right arrow or Down arrow” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”How do I toggle the fullscreen mode of a video cue in QLab using shortcuts?” answer-3=”To toggle the fullscreen mode of a video cue in QLab, you can use the following shortcut: F” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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