
39 Noteflight Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Pitch Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcut keys
Insert note at given pitch (within a fourth of previous pitch) A to G
Add a note to the current chord Shift + A to G
Transpose note(s) up one octave Ctrl + Up Arrow key
Transpose note(s) down one octave Ctrl + Down Arrow key
Transpose note(s) up one semitone Shift + Up Arrow key
Transpose note(s) down one semitone Shift + Down Arrow key
Replace the current note with the rest Spacebar

Selection & Editing Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcut keys
Cut Selection Ctrl + X
Copy selection Ctrl + C
Paste Selection Ctrl + V
Undo last change Ctrl + Z
Redo last change Ctrl + Y
Repeat current selection R
Extend the selection on the right side of the current selection Shift + Right Arrow key
Contract selection on the right side of the current selection Shift + Left Arrow key
Deselect music Esc

Accidentals Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcuts
Toggle flat sign before note(s)
Toggle sharp sign before note(s) +
Toggle natural sign before note(s) =
Toggle double-flat sign before note(s) _
Toggle the double-sharp sign before note(s) *
Enharmonic accidental change (C# > Db) Z

Guitar Tab Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcut keys
Start bend/release ~
Start slide \
Insert note on given string 1-6 F1… to F6
Add a note to string 1-6 Shift + F1… to F6
Move selected notes one fret up Up Arrow key
Move selected notes one fret down Down Arrow key
Move selected notes one string up Shift + Up Arrow key
Move selected notes one string down Shift + Down Arrow key
Enter fret number 0-9

Articulations Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcut keys
Toggle tenuto on selected note(s) :
Toggle staccato on selected note(s) ;
Toggle strong accent on selected note(s)
Toggle fermata on selected note(s) ^

Rhythm Shortcuts

Action Noteflight Shortcut keys
Make note/chord shorter [
Make notes/chords longer ]
Toggle tie to the next note ,
Toggle augmentation dot on note/chord .


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