
42 Burp Suite Keyboard Shortcuts

List of Burp Suite Shortcuts

Learn Burp Suite Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used Burp Suite Shortcuts

Action Burp Suite Shortcuts
Send to Intruder Ctrl + I
Forward intercepted Proxy message Ctrl + F
Toggle Proxy interception Ctrl + T
Switch to Target Ctrl + Shift + T
Switch to Proxy Ctrl + Shift + P
Switch to Scanner Ctrl + Shift + S
Switch to Intruder Ctrl + Shift + I
Switch to Repeater Ctrl + Shift + R
Switch to Suite options Ctrl + Shift + O
Switch to the Alerts tab Ctrl + Shift + A
Go to the previous tab Ctrl + –
Go to the next tab Ctrl + =
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Select all Ctrl + A
Search Ctrl + S
Go to the previous search match Ctrl + ,
Go to the next search match Ctrl + .
URL-decode Ctrl + Shift + U
URL-encode key characters Ctrl + U
HTML-decode Ctrl + Shift + H
HTML-encode key characters Ctrl + H
Base64-decode Ctrl + Shift + B
Base64-encode Ctrl + B
Backspace word Ctrl + Backspace
Delete word Ctrl + Delete
Delete line Ctrl + D
Go to the previous word Ctrl + Left Arrow Key
Go to the previous word (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Key
Go to the next word Ctrl + Right Arrow Key
Go to next word (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Key
Go to the previous paragraph Ctrl + Up Arrow Key
Go to the previous paragraph (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Key
Go to the next paragraph Ctrl + Down Arrow Key
Go to the next paragraph (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Key
Go to the start of the document Ctrl + Home
Go to the start of the document (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + Home
Go to the end of the document Ctrl + End
Go to end of the document (extend selection) Ctrl + Shift + End


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