
45 BrainSuite Keyboard Shortcuts

Our goal in providing BrainSuite Shortcuts is to assist you in handling head X-rays. BrainSuite Shortcuts consists of various tools for manipulating surface data and images. These shortcuts can help you streamline your workflow and increase your efficiency. In simple words, BrainSuite is an image analysis tool.

Download BrainSuite Shortcuts PDF

The BrainSuite Shortcuts collection is listed on our website, and we also have a downloadable PDF of BrainSuite Shortcuts available for future use. Use this set of shortcuts to navigate within BrainSuite and perform various functions effectively.

Main Window Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcut keys Windows BrainSuite Shortcut keys Mac
Autoscale images Ctrl + A Command + A
Back or Show the previous surface Ctrl + B Command + B
Forward or Show the next surface Ctrl + F Command + F
Toggle Debug Keys Ctrl + G Command + G
Toggle ROI Labels Ctrl + L Command + L
Toggle the first overlay volume on or off Ctrl + R Command + R
Cycle Mask mode Ctrl + M Command + M
Toggle Mask on or off Ctrl + M Command + M
Toggle show Surfaces Ctrl + S Command + S
Toggle show Volume slices in 3D view Ctrl + V Command + V
Toggle show cursors Ctrl + X Command + X
Undo the last paint action Ctrl + Z Command + Z

Image Display Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcut keys Windows BrainSuite Shortcut keys Mac
Zoom In + +
Zoom Out
Zoom Best Fit * *
Zoom to 1:1 / /

Surface Display Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcuts Windows BrainSuite Shortcuts Mac
Toggle lighting for 3D view L L
Toggle tensor glyphs on or off G G
Toggle ODF glyphs on or off O O
Toggle Fibers on or off F F
Toggle Wireframe mode for surfaces W W
Cycle X-plane clipping X X
Cycle Y-plane clipping Y Y
Cycle Z-plane clipping Z Z

Orthogonal Views Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcut keys BrainSuite Shortcut keys
Rotate 3D view to xy view – axial, from superior Alt + 1 Option + 1
Rotate 3D view to xy view – axial, from inferior Alt + 2 Option + 2
Rotate 3D view to xz view – coronal, from posterior Alt + 3 Option + 3
Rotate 3D view to xz view – coronal, from anterior Alt + 4 Option + 4
Rotate 3D view to yz view – sagittal, from right Alt + 5 Option + 5
Rotate 3D view to yz view – sagittal, from left Alt + 6 Option + 6

Connectivity Viewer Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcuts BrainSuite Shortcuts
Show Connectivity for Cortical Areas 1 1
Show Connectivity for the Frontal Lobe 2 2
Show Connectivity for Parietal Lobe 3 3
Show Connectivity for the Temporal Lobe 4 4
Show Connectivity for the Occipital Lobe 5 5
Show Connectivity for Subcortical Areas 6 6
Show Connectivity for Brain Areas 7 7
Show Connectivity for All Labeled Regions 8 8

Toolboxes Shortcuts

Action BrainSuite Shortcut keys BrainSuite Shortcut keys
Show Image Display Toolbox I I
Show Surface Display Toolbox S S
Show masking Tool M M
Show Painter Tool P P
Show Curve Toolbox C C
Show Diffusion Toolbox D D

If you are looking for a BrainSuite alternative, you should check out Freesurfer. It is software for analyzing and visualizing structural and functional neuroimaging data. However, the only constraint is that it is available only for macOS and Linux devices. Refer to the Freesurfer Shortcuts list to help you further and make things easier.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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