
36 Snipaste Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Snipaste Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Snipaste Shortcuts

Action Snipaste Shortcut keys
Start snipping F1
Save to clipboard Ctrl + C
Paste to screen Ctrl + T
Quick save Ctrl + Shift + S
Abort snipping Esc
Replay your snipping history ,

Snip Shortcuts

Action Snipaste Shortcut keys
Toggle between window detection and element detection Tab
Show/Hide the captured mouse cursor ` or !
Set the snipping area to fullscreen Ctrl + A
Set the snipping area to the same as your last successful snip R
Switch to the previous snip record ,
Switch to the next snip record .
Enlarge the snipping area by 1 pixel Ctrl + Arrow keys
Shrink the snipping area by 1 pixel Shift + Arrow keys
Paste the screenshot to the screen directly Ctrl + T
Copy the screenshot and quit snipping Enter
Abort snipping Esc

Paste Shortcuts

Action Snipaste Shortcut keys
Paste F3
Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees 1
Rotate the image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees 2
Flip the image horizontally 3
Flip the image vertically 4
Toggle grayscale conversion 5
Toggle color inversion 6
Hide the paint bar or close the image window Esc
Destroy the image window Shift + Esc
Close the image window Ctrl + W
Select all visible image windows Ctrl + A
Copy the plain text Ctrl + Shift + C
Replace the image with the content in the clipboard Ctrl + V
Open the Preferences Dialog Ctrl + Shift + P
Set transparency of the image window Ctrl + +
Close an image window Ctrl + W
Hide / Show all image windows Ctrl + F3
Destroy the image Shift + Esc
Copy the color value of the pixel C



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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