File ManagerShortcutsWindows

100 PeaZip Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn PeaZip Shortcuts for Windows

Functional Keys Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcuts
Brief translated help instructions F1
Help file (pdf) Alt + F1
Rename file F2
Copy selected to Ctrl + F2
Move selected to Shift + F2
Search F3
Start as non-recursive Ctrl + F3
Recursive search Shift + F3
System search Alt + F3
Show navigation menu F4
Browse root Ctrl + Shift + F4
Browse desktop Ctrl + F4
Browse home Shift + F4
Refresh F5
Add selected to archive Shift + F5
Extract selected Ctrl + F5
Extract archive Alt + F5
Toggle browse/flat view F6
Add to bookmarks F7
Open in a new instance of PeaZip Ctrl + F7
Open the command prompt in the selected path Shift + F7
Explore selected path Alt + F7
Browse the first item in the bookmarks list F8
Set password/key file F9
Password manager Shift + F9
Create a key file or random password Ctrl + F9
Set advanced filters Ctrl + Shift + F9
Menu F10
Run as a different user Ctrl + F10
Run as administrator Alt + F10
Toggle full-screen mode F11
Immersive Ctrl + F11
Extract all to F12

Extract without Confirmation Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcuts
Extract all to Ctrl + Alt + E
Extract all here Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E
Extract all to desktop Ctrl + Alt + D
Extract all Documents Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D
Extract to the previous output path Ctrl + 0
Extract to the path of 1..8’ favorite Ctrl + 1..8
Extract to default path Ctrl + 9

While Browsing an Archive Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
Extract displayed content Ctrl + S
Extract all content Ctrl + L
Test all Ctrl + T
Extract and open with PeaZip Ctrl + Shift + Z
Extract and open with the default application Ctrl + Shift + O
Extract and open with Ctrl + Shift + W
Preview functions same as previous ones Ctrl + Alt + Z
Preview selected Enter
Properties Alt + Enter

Navigation Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
Select all Ctrl + A
Toggle browse mode / flat view mode *
Display/organize bookmarks Ctrl + D
Display history Ctrl + H
Display session history Ctrl + Alt + H
Go to the computer’s or archive’s root Ctrl + Shift + F4
Search F3
Non-recursive search here Ctrl + F3
Recursive search Shift + F3
System search Alt + F3
Add to bookmarks F7
Browse the first item in the bookmarks list F8
Open directory <
Up one level >
Up one level Alt + Up Arrow key
Go to the object’s path Ctrl + P
Go back in history Ctrl + B
Forward in history Ctrl + F

Bars Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
Highlight menu bar Alt
Swap the toolbar and navigation bar Alt + 0
Hide/show the menu bar Alt + 1
Toggle toolbar Alt + 2
Hide/show address bar Alt + 3
Toggle navigation bar Alt + 4
Toggle sort column Alt + 5
Toggle browsers preset Alt + 6
Toggle the status bar view Alt + 8
Set pre-defined actions/scripts for “Open with” Alt + 9

Sort Column Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
Sort by name Ctrl + Alt + 1
Sort by type Ctrl + Alt + 2
Sort by size Ctrl + Alt + 3
Sort by packed size Ctrl + Alt + 4
Date/Time Ctrl + Alt + 5
Attributes Ctrl + Alt + 6
CRC Ctrl + Alt + 7

Views Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
None, hide “Views” panel Alt + Shift + 0
Status bar: Basic information, navigation, and password icons Alt + Shift + 1
Details, replicate, and extend the status bar’s functions Alt + Shift + 2
Bookmarks, organize favorite files, folders, and search filters Alt + Shift + 3
History, latest folders, and archives Alt + Shift + 4
Clipboard objects currently scheduled for copy or move operations Alt + Shift + 5

File operations Shortcuts

Action PeaZip Shortcut keys
Recycle bin / Delete form archive Delete
Quick delete Shift + Delete
Zero delete Alt + Delete
Secure delete Ctrl + Delete
Create new folder Ctrl + Shift + N
Rename Ctrl + R
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cancel the current selection and clear the clipboard Esc


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What is PeaZip and what does it do?” answer-0=”PeaZip is a free and open-source file archiver software that allows you to create, manage, and extract archives of various types. It supports a wide range of archive formats including ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, and more.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Is PeaZip safe to use?” answer-1=”Yes, PeaZip is safe to use. It is an open-source software and is regularly updated to ensure security and stability. However, it is always recommended to download software from reputable sources and to have an updated antivirus program.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Can PeaZip compress files and folders?” answer-2=”Yes, PeaZip can compress files and folders into an archive file format. You can choose from various compression methods and levels to optimize the size and quality of the archive.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”How do I extract files from an archive using PeaZip?” answer-3=”To extract files from an archive, simply open PeaZip, navigate to the archive file, and double-click on it. The software will open the archive and display its contents. You can then select the files you want to extract and choose the destination folder.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Can PeaZip password-protect archives?” answer-4=”Yes, PeaZip allows you to password-protect your archives for added security. You can set a password during the archive creation process and also encrypt the file names and metadata.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”Does PeaZip have any keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys?” answer-5=”Yes, PeaZip has a range of keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys to help you perform various actions quickly and efficiently.” image-5=”” count=”6″ html=”true” css_class=””]



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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