Developer ToolsShortcutsWindows

90 Free Pascal IDE Keyboard Shortcuts

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Most used Free Pascal IDE Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcut keys
Help F1
Go to the last help topic Alt + F1
Search word at the cursor position to help Ctrl + F1
Help Index Shift + F1
Close active window Alt + F3
Zoom/Unzoom window F5
Move/Zoom active window Ctrl + F5
Switch to the next window F6
Switch to last window Shift + F6
Menu F10
Local menu Alt + F10
List of windows Alt + 0
Active another window Alt + 1-9
Call grep utility Shift + F2
Exit IDE Alt + X

Compiler messages Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcut keys
Reset debugger/program Ctrl + F2
Display call stack Ctrl + F3
Run as far as the cursor F4
Switch to user screen Alt + F5
Trace into F7
Add watch Ctrl + F7
Step over F8
Set a breakpoint at the current line Ctrl + F8
Make F9
Run Ctrl + F9
Compile the active source file Alt + F9
Message F11
Compiler messages F12

Text navigation Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcuts
Char left Ctrl + S
Char right Ctrl + D
Line up Ctrl + E
Line down Ctrl + X
Word left Ctrl + A
Word right Ctrl + F
Scroll one line up Ctrl + W
Scroll one line down Ctrl + Z
Page up Page Up key
Page down Page Down key
Beginning of Line Home
End of Line End
First line of window Ctrl + Home
Last line of the window Ctrl + End
First line of the file Ctrl + Page Up key
Last line of the file Ctrl + Page Down key
Last cursor position Ctrl + Q + P
Find a matching block delimiter Ctrl + Q + [
Find the last matching block delimiter Ctrl + Q + ]

Edit Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcuts
Go to the Beginning of the selected text Ctrl + Q + B
Go to the end of the selected text Ctrl + Q + K
Select current line Ctrl + K + L
Print selected text Ctrl + K + P
Select current word Ctrl + K + T
Delete selected text Ctrl + Delete
Copy the selected text to the cursor position Ctrl + K + C
Move the selected text to the cursor position Ctrl + K + V
Copy selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + Insert
Move selected text to the clipboard Shift + Delete
Indent block one column Ctrl + K + I
Unindent block one column Ctrl + K + U
Insert text from the clipboard Shift + Insert
Insert file Ctrl + K + R
Write selected text to the file Ctrl + K + W
Uppercase current block Ctrl + K + N
Lowercase current block Ctrl + K + O
Uppercase word Ctrl + K + E
Lowercase word Ctrl + K + F

Change Selection Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcuts
Mark the beginning of the selected text Ctrl + K + B
Mark the end of the selected text Ctrl + K + K
Remove selection Ctrl + K + Y
Extend selection one char to the left Shift + Left Arrow Key
Extend selection one char to the right Shift + Right Arrow Key
Extend selection to the beginning of the line Shift + Home
Extend selection to the end of the line Shift + End
Extend selection to the same column in the last row Shift + Up Arrow Key
Extend selection to the same column in the next row Shift + Down Arrow Key
Extend selection to the end of the line Shift + End
Extend selection of one word to the left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow key
Extend selection of one word to the right Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow key
Extend selection one page up Shift + Page Up Key
Extend selection one page down Shift + Page Down key
Extend selection to the beginning of the file Ctrl + Shift + Home
Extend selection to the end of the file Ctrl + Shift + End

Miscellaneous commands Shortcuts

Action Free Pascal IDE Shortcuts
Save file F2
Open file F3
Search Ctrl + Q + F
Search again Ctrl + L
Search and replace Ctrl + Q + A
Set mark Ctrl + K + 0-9
Go to mark Ctrl + Q + 0-9
Undo Alt + Backspace


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