
27 Cryptee Keyboard Shortcuts

for Windows

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Learn Cryptee Shortcuts for Windows

Most used Cryptee Shortcuts

Action Cryptee Shortcut keys
Open files (search) Ctrl + Shift + O
Show recent docs Alt + Shift + R
Show all folders Alt + Shift + F
Minimize/maximize file preview Alt + Shift + M
Force save Ctrl + S
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Toggle menu Ctrl + .
Markdown & hotkeys Ctrl + /

Lists Shortcuts

Action Cryptee Shortcut keys
Checklist Ctrl + Shift + 6
Numbered list Ctrl + Shift + 7
Bulleted list Ctrl + Shift + 8

Dashboard Shortcuts

Action Cryptee Shortcuts
Docs D
Photos P
Help H
Account / Settings A

Formatting Shortcuts

Action Cryptee Shortcut keys
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Strikethrough Ctrl + Shift + S
Quote Ctrl + Shift + 9
Code Ctrl + Shift + 0
Clear formatting Ctrl + \
Indent left Ctrl + [
Indent right Ctrl + ]
Hyperlink Ctrl + K
Formula Ctrl + Shift + K



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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