
47 League of Legends Keyboard Shortcuts

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Most Used League of Legends Shortcuts

Action League of Legends Shortcut keys
Use champion’s 1st ability Q
Use champion’s 2nd ability W
Use champion’s 3rd ability E
Use the champion’s 4th ability (Ultimate) R
Add an ability point to the champion’s 1st ability Ctrl + Q
Add an ability point to the champion’s 2nd ability Ctrl + W
Add an ability point to the champion’s 3rd ability Ctrl + E
Add an ability point to the champion’s ultimate ability Ctrl + R
Cast champion’s 1st ability on self (must be a support spell) Alt + Q
Cast champion’s 2nd ability on self (must be a support spell) Alt + W
Cast champion’s 3rd ability on self (must be a support spell) Alt + E
Cast champion’s ultimate ability on self (must be a support spell) Alt + R
Smart cast champion’s 1st ability Shift + Q
Smart cast champion’s 2nd ability Shift + W
Smart cast champion’s 3rd ability Shift + E
Smart cast champion’s 4th ability Shift + R
Attack Move (Champion moves to point, stopping to attack any enemies along the way) A
Command Pet (E.g. TibbersSquare Tibbers) Alt + Right Mouse Click
Stop Command (Champion stops their current course of action) S
Hold Command (Hold works like Stop, but is toggled while held down) H
Cast 1st Summoner spell D
Cast 2nd Summoner spell F
Use consumable item in the corresponding inventory slot 1…to 3 and 5 to 7
Use trinket 4
Recall B
Close current windows, such as the shop Esc
Open champion statistics page C
Toggle alert ping cursor G
Toggle the camera lock on the champion Y
Center camera on the champion (holding Space will hold the camera on the champion until released) Spacebar
Open match stats page/leaderboard O
Open match stats page/leaderboard (unlike O, the screen will disappear when the Tab button is released) Tab
Toggle retreat ping cursor V
Cycle through minion health bar views Ctrl + L
Turn off Champion Health bars Shift + L
Turn off summoner names above champion health bars Shift + K
Open item shop P
Scroll the camera in the corresponding direction Arrow keys
Ping location/Open Radial Menu Alt + Left Mouse Click
Retreat Ping location/Open Radial Menu Ctrl + Left Mouse Click
Move the camera to the corresponding ally champion (the camera must be unlocked) F2
Take a screenshot F12
Create chat cursor Enter
Open chat with “/all” already written Shift + Enter
Toggle the numeric frames-per-second and latency display Ctrl + F
Open chat history Z
Hold down to select or target only champions when using champion abilities or summoner spells ~



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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