ProductivityShortcutsWeb Application

50 Clarizen Keyboard Shortcuts

Clarizen shortcuts will maximize the potential of your workflow. Clarizen has an amazing feature of not only adopting the working strategy but also helping you create a new one from scratch. It works across internal and external teams to simplify the workflow and increase transparency.

Download Clarizen Shortcuts PDF

The list of Clarizen shortcuts below will be used by managers to manage project tasks, allocate resources, and finance projects. These shortcuts will aid in overall project management and help you stay on top of the work. Download the Clarizen shortcuts in PDF format.

Most used Clarizen Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcuts
Opens the Navigation Panel Alt + N
Navigate to Homepage Alt + H
Open the Wikipedia F1
Open the Keyboard Shortcuts List Shift + ?

Action Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcuts
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Inserts a task in the WBS in its correct hierarchy Insert
Delete the entire line Delete
Create New Predecessor Ctrl + F2
Remove dependencies Ctrl + Shift + F2
Remove an indentation Alt + Shift + Left Arrow key
Adds an indentation Alt + Shift + Right Arrow key
Expand Alt + Shift + +
Collapse Alt + Shift + –
Refresh the data inside the grid Ctrl + R
Add a selection in Relevant Context when only one is Available Alt + A

Similar Programs: Smartsheet Keyboard Shortcuts

Main Grid Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcuts
Get the previous page in the grid Alt + Page Up key
Get the next page in the grid Alt + Page Down key
Moves one cell up Up Arrow key
Moves one cell down Down Arrow key

Popup Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcuts
Adds a new line when the cursor is in a multi-line text box Enter
Save Ctrl + Enter
Save and Create a New Shift + Enter
Simulates Cancel Mouse click Esc
Moves focus between Controls in the editor Tab
Moves focus between Controls in an Editor in Reverse order Shift + Tab
Delete the Previous Character While Typing Backspace
Closes the popup Esc

Similar Programs: Trello Keyboard Shortcuts

Range Filter Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcuts
Moves between the input fields Tab
Moves between the input fields in Reverse Order Shift + Tab
Moves between dates Left Arrow key or Right Arrow key
Make Selection Date in Calendar Spacebar

Social Media Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcut keys
Add a new line in the message Enter
Send a post Ctrl + Enter
Link Users or Groups to a Discussion @
Link Items to a Discussion #

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Team Panel Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcut keys
Select the User Above Up Arrow key
Select the User below Down Arrow key

Navigation Shortcuts

Action Clarizen Shortcut keys
Closes the Navigation panel Esc
Move Down to the Next action item in A Loop Down Arrow key
Move Up to the Next action item in A Loop Up Arrow key
Open Submenu if Available Left Arrow key
Close the Submenu if in Focus Right Arrow key

The benefit of using the Clarizen Shortcuts for Web in Desktop is:

    • Organizes Application into Tidy Collection
    • Manage Multiple Accounts
    • Stay Focused
    • More Productive Work
    • Secured

Asana and Trello are other leading applications in terms of project management.



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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