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25 XMetal Keyboard Shortcuts

XMetal provides a flexible and user-friendly XML editing environment. XMetal shortcuts are employed by the graphical editor for creating and editing structured documents, often tempting users to attempt these shortcuts later on secretly. These shortcuts simplify XML content creation.

Download XMetal Shortcuts PDF

Memorizing the following set of shortcuts may not seem like a big deal. This list of shortcuts below will reduce the need to reach for the mouse frequently. The XMetal shortcuts listed below empower users to create valid XML content confidently. You can download the XMetal shortcuts list in PDF format.

Most used XMetal Shortcuts

Action XMetal Shortcuts
Accept Changes Ctrl + Alt + A
Attribute Inspector Alt + I
Change Element Ctrl + Alt + E
Copy as Reference Ctrl + Alt + C
Find Ctrl + F
Find Next Alt + F3
Insert CDATA Ctrl + D
Insert Comment Ctrl + Alt + 1
Insert Element Ctrl + I
Insert Entity Ctrl + Alt + Y
Insert Processing Instruction Ctrl + /
Insert Symbol Ctrl + 4
Insert Table Alt + T
Lock Alt + L
Join Element Ctrl + Alt + J
Next Change Ctrl + Alt + N
Previous Change Ctrl + Alt + P
Reject Change Ctrl + R
Release Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R
Reload Alt + Shift + F5
Remove Tag Ctrl + Alt + R
Select Element Ctrl + Alt + L
Set Conditions Alt + C
Spell Check Alt + F7
Validate Document F9
Split Element Alt + S

The functionality of XMetal differs significantly from that of a typical word processor, making XMetal Author one of the best XML editors available in the market today and searching for an alternative to XMetal. Consider opting for Elementor. We’ve also compiled a list of Elementor shortcuts for your convenience.



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