ShortcutsSocial & MessagingWindows

65 Irssi Keyboard Shortcuts

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Learn Irssi Shortcuts for Windows

Most Used Irssi Shortcuts

Action Irssi Shortcuts
(backward_character) Move the cursor a character backward Left Arrow Key
(forward_character) Move the cursor a character forward Right Arrow Key
(backward_word) Move the cursor a word backward Ctrl + Left Arrow Key
(forward_word) Move the cursor a word forward Ctrl + Right Arrow Key
(beginning_of_line) Move the cursor to the beginning of the line Home
(end_of_line) Move the cursor to the end of the line End
(backward_history) Go back one line in the history Up Arrow Key
(forward_history) Go forward one line in the history Down Arrow Key
(backward_global_history) Go back one line in global history Ctrl + Up Arrow Key
(forward_global_history) Go forward one line in global history Ctrl + Down Arrow Key
(backspace) Delete the previous character Backspace
(delete_character) Delete the current character Delete
(delete_next_word) Delete the word after the cursor Alt + D
(delete_previous_word) Delete the word before the cursor Alt + Backspace
(delete_to_previous_space) Delete up to the previous space Ctrl + W
(erase_line) Erase the whole input line Ctrl + U
(erase_to_end_of_line Erase everything after the cursor Ctrl + K
(yank_from_cutbuffer) “Undelete”, paste the last deleted text Ctrl + Y
(transpose_characters) Swap current and previous character Ctrl + T
(send_line) Execute the input line Enter
(word_completion) Complete the current word Tab
(word_completion_backward) Choose Previous completion suggestion Shift + Tab
(erase_completion) Remove the completion added by word_completion Alt + K
(check_replaces) Check word replaces Spacebar
(previous_window) Go to the previous window Ctrl + P
(next_window) Go to the next window Ctrl + N
(upper_window) Go to the split window above Alt + Up Arrow Key
(lower_window) Go to the split window below Alt + Down Arrow Key
(left_window) Go to the previous window in the current split window Alt + Left Arrow Key
(right_window Go to the next window in the current split window Alt + Right Arrow Key
(active_window) Go to the next window with the highest activity Alt + A
(next_window_item) Go to the next channel/query. In empty windows change to the next server Ctrl + X
(refresh_screen) Redraw screen Ctrl + L
(scroll_backward) Scroll to the previous page Page Up Key
(scroll_forward) Scroll to the next page Page Down Key
(scroll_start) Scroll to the beginning of the window Ctrl + Home
(scroll_end) Scroll to the end of the window Ctrl + End
(change_window) Change window Alt + 0 – 9
(change_window) Change window Q… to O
(stop_irc) Send SIGSTOP to the client Ctrl + Z

Symbolic Key Names Shortcuts

Action Irssi Shortcuts
space Spacebar
return Enter
Backspace Backspace
tab Tab
stab Shift + Tab
up Up Arrow Key
down Down Arrow Key
right Right Arrow Key
left Left Arrow Key
home Home
end End
prior Page Up Key
next Page Down Key
insert Insert
delete Delete
cup Ctrl + Up Arrow Key
cdown Ctrl + Down Arrow Key
cright Ctrl + Right Arrow Key
cleft Ctrl + Left Arrow Key
chome Ctrl + Home
cend Ctrl + End
mup Alt + Up Arrow Key
mdown Alt + Down Arrow Key
mright Alt + Right Arrow Key
mleft Alt + Left Arrow Key



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!

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