
29 Fantastical 2 Keyboard Shortcuts

for macOS

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Most used Fantastical 2 Shortcuts

Action Fantastical 2 Shortcuts
Open or close Fantastical Control + Option + Spacebar
Search Command + F
Enter a new event Command + N
Go to Today Command + T
Show or hide the Reminders list Command + R
Quit Command + Q
Preferences Command + ,
Print Command + P
Get info Command + I
Toggle between event and reminder mode when adding a new item Command + K
Toggle keep Mini Window on top mode Control + Command + K
Jump to next month Right Arrow key
Jump to the previous month Left Arrow key
Jump to the next day Shift + Right Arrow key
Jump to the previous day Shift + Left Arrow key
Jump to next week Shift + Down Arrow key
Jump to the previous week Shift + Up Arrow key
Show or hide details Command + E
Delete item Command + Backspace
Show detected invitees Command + Shift + I
Jump to the first search result Command + Down Arrow key

Day or Week View Shortcuts

Action Fantastical 2 Shortcuts
Move the item to the next day Control + Right Arrow key
Move the item to the previous day Control + Left Arrow key
Move the item forward 15 minutes Control + Down Arrow key
Move the item backward 15 minutes Control + Up Arrow key
Move the start of the event forward 15 minutes Control + Option + Down Arrow key
Move the start of the event backward 15 minutes Control + Option + Up Arrow key
Move the end of the event forward 15 minutes Control + Shift + Down Arrow key
Move the end of the event backward 15 minutes Control + Shift + Up Arrow key



Hello, my name is Pratik, and I am the founder of Tutorial Tactic. Mistakes are essential for learning, and Tutorial Tactic is here to help you stand strong, learn even more, and achieve success!
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